Firm and determined in this time of the end!

by dawg 38 Replies latest jw friends

  • dawg

    Jonny cip-way to go man! That took courage... to live in your car for 6 months, I hope you found a good KOA with a bathroom, and you can get a tent for $100.00 and a stove to cook on... LOL! Hows living conditions now?

    Jaguarbass-DOes your family talk to you now?

    Openmind-see that's why I didn't attack, different approaches do work, it seems you've found a approach that works for yuo-that's why I didn't attack you...good hunting bro!

    Sooner7-every rebirth is a hard thing to do... it will bring pain, but the freedom is really worth it.

  • lesterd

    It was never Jehovah that the borg taught us to depend on, through their constant teaching they taught us to be co-dependant, making it hard to let go of the thing that hurts us. Just like an abused child, we begin to think that the abuse is love, and we deserve it.

  • johnny cip
    johnny cip

    In the year of 2000 from janurary-june I lived in the back seat of a little nissan, worked and saved $2000 for and apt. sat and read the bible most every night with a few bottles of pabst blue ribbon. and still found time to go to a different hall once or twice a week. and kick the spritual nonsense out of any jw. elder, that would even en gauge me. I always learned to have my studies in the wt library with them. come with my referances, and start pulling books off their own library to prove my points that the wts. is a false prophet. trust me they hate it when you use thier own library of 'TRUTH" against them.

  • johnny cip
    johnny cip

    In the year of 2000 from janurary-june I lived in the back seat of a little nissan, worked and saved $2000 for and apt. sat and read the bible most every night with a few bottles of pabst blue ribbon. and still found time to go to a different hall once or twice a week. and kick the spritual nonsense out of any jw. elder, that would even en gauge me. I always learned to have my studies in the wt library with them. come with my referances, and start pulling books off their own library to prove my points that the wts. is a false prophet. trust me they hate it when you use thier own library of 'TRUTH" against them.

  • dawg

    Lestered, that was a very insightful post, I agree with what you've said.

    Johnny Cip-I wish I'd of thought of that! Right there in the library, they can't run from their own literature! LOL!

  • JeffT

    We sent copies of our DA letter to family members. I think they all ignored it, we lived on the other side of the state by then. Mostly they closed off contact, which was their problem not ours. We were lucky in that it wasn't a big deal to us, but I can see where it would be a real hardship for some.

  • LouBelle

    I can only reamember the House to House song - can't get that loop outta my head.

    as for making a stand - I did and got disfellowshipped - family that are still in shun me - but I've made my peace with it and would do it all again but perhaps with bigger fireworks.

  • WTWizard

    I took my stand, firm and determined never to set foot inside a Kingdumb Hell again or to go out in field circus. I also will never read and apply any of their littera-trash without researching it using independent sources. Nor will I ever give them a good recommendation again.

  • ThomasCovenant

    Hi Dawg

    Is the real reason people don't take a stand against the WT because they are basically selfish? (I include myself in the selfish camp).

    Is it the same reason people don't leave the 'Truth' in the first place when they know it's lies?

    Could it be they don't want to rock the boat because it will disturb their lives even more than it already has been?

    Why don't more people take a stand against oppressive regimes?

    I was reading on the other day under BLOOD GUILT and ORGAN TRANSPLANTS and it seems to me it is staringly obvious that the Society is bloodguilty.

    I would take it as far as saying that everyone who doesn't take a stand against it is also blood guilty ( Once again I include myself in that ).

    This 'bloodguilt' never bothered me, as in I never thought about it, until the night my wife was being rushed in for an operation after severe blood loss.

    Then, and only then, did I realize what a responsibility I had had in continuing in associating with the WT even when I didn't believe it.

    I thought to myself how am I going to explain to my children why their mother had died? Thanks to her own strength she pulled through that night.

    Most of us don't take a stand because we can't be bothered with the effort.

    I am grateful that there are ones such as yourself who do take a more proactive stance.

    Me? I am more reactive.


    Thomas Covenant

  • dawg

    JeffT, doesn't it feel great to take away the power they have on you?

    Loubelle-Way to go gal, I've always heard not to mess with yuo South Africans

    Thomascove-I'm not saying you're selfish per say, I have seen reasons people don't take command, is ther still family in that keeps up your charade?

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