How I'm helping hubby see the truth! Seems to be working too!!!!!!!!!!!!!

by cognac 26 Replies latest social family

  • cognac

    (I do not take credit for this, I stole a lot of it from somebody online.) The red is some of what I wrote out, then the black is what happened after...

    I would like us both to feel a sense of freedom to open up and discuss any and all subjects. I would like us to create an environment of freedom to allow us a safe place to talk about anything and never be criticized. We should both have the freedom to think, speak, and have our views and opinions valued.

    Nothing we discuss together as a couple should be discussed with anybody else unless we both agree to it. This safety net can make it possible for us to be able to open up to each other more and more.

    If one of us has a concern about something, let’s not try to refute it if we are not sure or convinced by scripture of how to do this. Rather, let us acknowledge the point, document it, and move on until we come up with an answer. If one of us understands the answer and the other does not, let’s keep it documented and move on until Jehovah provides a convincing answer for us in our hearts. Let’s listen to what each other is thinking. This process of going through scriptures takes time, prayer, love, understanding, and mutual respect. We won’t get all answers immediately, and that’s ok. We will pray for Jehovah through his son Jesus to open our hearts and minds to him, and to request us to have the understanding that he wants us to have. We cannot think for each other. If we try to, we will lose each other on any sort of spiritual level.

    Then we did the bible reading together. I came up with 2 questions. We figured out the answer through an online concordance and cross referencing scriptures… It was great!!! The funniest thing was that I believe he came up with answers totally different from what the society even teaches… (I’m not going to tell him that.) And the most shocking part of it was this:

    According to the concordance, and the society’s own definition of apostasy, he realized that technically Peter committed apostasy when he denied Jesus. (When he said he wouldn’t disown Jesus, that Greek word means apostasy or falling away from and this goes along with the society’s definition) AND HE CAME TO THIS CONCLUSION!!!! (I led him there, but he came to this conclusion!)

    I think that hit him really, really hard and I think he’s a little confused about why the society teaches that you’re practically from Satan if you do this and Peter is of the anointed and wrote in the bible!!!

    What made it better was there was no arguing about it. I made it so he came to this conclusion and not me. I documented all of our findings, didn’t say much about it, and moved on the next thing. I really think this is the best way to work with him. Eventually, he will see that he is finding things that are different from what the society says and little by little I think this will help to undo all the brainwashing they did on him…

    We were both really happy that we could both communicate about scriptures without arguing!!! It was a very warm, loving experience. Then afterwards, he prayed that both Jehovah and Jesus come into our hearts and minds so that we could better understand what they are trying to tell to us through the scriptures! How awesome is that???

  • Meeting Junkie No More
    Meeting Junkie No More

    That is very very awesome! And I just learned something about the word apostasy from you! Where did you pick up this little nugget? I will have to share this with others as well...thank you so much!

  • cognac

    I just looked up what the word "disown" meant on The great thing is, it doesn't even go against what the society teaches. They just don't come out and say what Peter did was apostasy they use the word "disown" but the two words go hand in hand. But, if you look up there definition of apostasy, it goes along with this term. There definition of apostasy is:

    literally meaning "stand away from." The noun has the sense of "desertion, abandonment or rebellion."

    They go on to state, "in the Christian Greek Scriptures it is used primarily with regard to religious defection; a withdrawal or abandonment of the true cause, worship, and service of God, and hence an abandonment of what one has previously professed and a total desertion of principles or faith."

    On it shows us that the greek word used is “ skandalizo” which means to entrap, i.e. trip up (figuratively, stumble (transitively) or entice to sin, apostasy or displeasure):--(make to) offend.

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    I have lost track of your situation a little cognac. Is your husband still active and seeking to be a MS?

    Good approach here. Allow the Bible to show what it says. Interestingly, John stated that the 'anti-Christ' is anyone who denies that Jesus came in the flesh [as messiah?]. Peter did deny the Christ - that he knew him. He broke association with him that night - I guess that would be 'apostasy' by definition. Yet when He appeared to the apostles later - it was not brought up again - and in fact Jesus gave Peter great responsibility in 'feeding my little lambs'. Quite a contrast with the way Jw's deal with those of us who dare leave the publishing business they have created, huh?

    Keep us up to date.


  • Meeting Junkie No More
    Meeting Junkie No More

    Absolutely brilliant, I say! You are definitely on to something here...and I will definitely compare and look this up in my Diaglott, Kingdom Interlinear and the other 17 or so translations I have hanging around...

    Anyhow I daresay this should make a good Question from Readers to maybe get some sawdust burning at Bethel. Wonder what spin the spinmeisters would put on it?

    Keep up the GOOD WORK!

  • Gopher

    You're catching the fly with honey. I like it !

  • carla

    He prayed for Jesus to come into your hearts? isn't that a no-no in dubland?

  • cognac

    Thanks!!! It takes a lot more time and patience to do things this way... I want to shake him and say, "WAKE-UP, THIS IS NOT THE DAMN TRUTH!!!!" But that way doesn't seem to be working... lol

    AK - Jeff -

    Good points. Yes, he is still reaching out to be an MS. They met with him recently and gave him some really bs reasons why he hasn't been appointed yet... I hope things click with him before that happens, but I'm trying not to worry to much and keep plugging along...

  • cognac
    He prayed for Jesus to come into your hearts? isn't that a no-no in dubland?

    hmmm... I don't know, never heard that... Unless I just wasn't paying attention... I mean, they have 5 billion rules, so who can even keep track of them all anyways??? Anybody know this???

  • MissingLink

    That is very reasonable. Dont forget to keep an open mind yourself. He'll know if he's being played. Be honest, and do as much brainstorming together as you can. Great work.

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