How Jehovah's Witnesses Control Your Mind - Controlling Your View of Truth

by flipper 29 Replies latest jw friends

  • Robert7

    The other big issue I have with the concept of "the truth" is the complete abuse of the term "truth". COC gets into this but here is my view...

    Truth, by definition, is true, always true, and cannot be false. Anything truth that is eventually false, or not true, was never true, and therefore was always false.

    So the expression "current truth" really has no logical meaning. It should be stated "current beliefs", as a true statement has no tense, meaning it is not 'current' or 'former', as truth is just truth. Period. 1+1=2 is always true. There is no "current 1+1=2" or "past 1+1=2". 1+1=2 is true and it is always a true statement.

    So calling the faith "the truth" is also wrong, as the combined beliefs of the faith are not all actually true, as the WTS even admits it can have errors due to imperfect man (new light). Would be more accurate for them to call it something like "the half-truth".

    This is part of the logical thinking that the WTS does not want people to have.

  • WTWizard

    I can remember a specific incident when they created a problem and then blamed Satan. That was in conjunction with the April 1, 1995 Puketower study article about rejection being from Satan (and then they created that exact situation and expected me to believe them). After that, and their feeble attempt to force me to believe that the problem was from Satan when it was blatantly obvious that they created it themselves, I have decided to never believe another word from them again. And I have ever since did all I could to waste their time and energy.

    I can say that, even though I have field circus activity up to 2005, that I became effectively disassociated following the Great and Grand Boasting Sessions of 1995, ten years earlier. After they played that crap, they are never getting anything out of me except apostasy.

  • LouBelle

    Very true words indeed.

    I'm still amazed that somehow we and others found our way out of this cult. That there was something that broke that thought control.

  • MidwichCuckoo
    "WTS might have some problems because imperfect
    men run it, but there is nobody else out there preaching the good news and teaching an
    accurate understanding of God's Word."

    Blimey OTWO - that must be a standard response - I've heard the same so many times - even during the recent paedophile 'scandal'! Brainwashed, yes...

    Remember going out on service, and some houses would have a 'no callers' sign...which specified 'no Cults' ? - we were always told this doesn't apply to ''us'' as we're not a Cult. And I think, subconsciously, in my mind I had a 'hierarchy' of religion - there was the only TRUTH (us), then mainstream religion (which only existed because of its History) and then Cults, which were dangerous and full of crazy people...well now I STILL have that hierarchy, but it's all changed round, lol.

    Good post Robert7

  • MMae

    I was about 11 when I began studying with JWs. I used to cry all the time during my study because they'd teach me things that didn't make sense to me. What? Only 144,000 are going to heaven? BWAAAA! Of course they'd go on to explain about paradise earth, and I'd dry my tears. My point is that I always questioned. And I always expected a reasonable answer. And of course, as a study, they tolerated and commended me for questioning. The very fact that I could question, and receive a Bible-based answer was the reason that I accepted the religion as the Truth. (Besides I'm trusting and gulible!) But as an adult, with mature reasoning power, I began to find that the answers were not always so Bible-based. And dare I question the reasoning and scriptral evidence, then the answer became that I must be loyal to the WTS, because to question them was to question God. Even though I had been around long enough to know that the WTS clearly was out of sync with God at times, by their own admission - I was to buy what they were selling at that given time - hook, line, and sinker - even if my conscience and every fiber of my being said,"THIS IS NOT RIGHT. IT IS NOT GOD'S WILL! AND UNLESS I'M MISTAKEN, IT IS THE OPPOSITE OF GOD'S WILL!" Of course this kind of "independant thinking" and "rebellious spirit" ended up getting me booted. I humbly accepted my punishment. It took them turning me away when I asked for re-instatement for me to see the house of cards begin to fall. It was very painful. But when I realized that I couldn't go back, I knew that Jehovah was still with me. He never isolated me, nor did he ever turn me away. He's always stayed with me, even when I wasn't paying attention to Him.

  • Samuel Thorsen
    Samuel Thorsen
    3. No serious religions agree with WT's stand on many interpretations.


    Is there any such kind of religion?

    That there was something that broke that thought control

    I think this is very true. Personal conflicts and difficulties that are sometimes poo-pooed (I like big words) or wrongly handled by elders can be the spark to jump start a persons critical thinking ability. Sometimes people just get fed up with all the internal gossip.

    Also, as another poster mentioned about can do it until you get baptized then it is verboten! My Ex used to ask me why I never got baptized even though I was born and raised in it and I would tell her that PART of the reason is I did not want to give up my right to question. She would tell me to get all of my questions if I would never have any questions once I got baptized. BUT I still felt they were more True than the other guys so I was still controlled and believed the majority of what they said.

    The only thing that really broke their grip on me was the way the elders handled our troubled marriage and the "answers" I got from Brooklyn when I wrote them for help. It also opened my 50-year member parents eyes.


  • Kinjiro

    Great post Mr F... I've been out over 13 yrs now (after spending 23!) and still find myself reacting to any JW aspect.. the only thing is that is in the opposite way! Even after all these years I still cant get the resentment out and sometimes it turns into rage and ranting... then I analyze my reactions and ask myself why do I react this way? It is like, in my bitternes, I lash out.. something I should not do...

    I am new here and any advice will be appreciated.. also if some of you are or were reacting this way, please let me know how you are handling...

  • caliber

    OTWO ,

    Once again you have managed to put in a concise ,nutshell package , 4 simple points of reality for us to ponder over and use .

    I know you inquired a while back about my profile , I hope you don' t think me rude or uncaring for not doing so, but the fear of having a

    a flashlight shone on me caused me to just back off ! I do sincerely respect you for all the new ones you help ! Also I felt I had

    somewhat embarrassed you which made me feel saddened , because this was not my intent !


  • Praying4Justice

    Hi Everyone! I have been reading this site just about every day for at least a year now, and I finally registered. Since this is my first reply, I'll make sure I'm doing this right before I share my story. In the meantime, I would like to thank you all for helping me get through a very rough time and especially for the laughs you've given me. Laughter definitely takes the edge off all the crying!!

    Thanks again.

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