Do you still pray?

by Layla33 36 Replies latest jw friends

  • JWdaughter

    I do, but it is more a stream of consciousness thing that recognizes my need to talk out things with SOMEONE, and often, the best someone to talk it out with is ME! Spending a little energy clarifying what is bothering me, going over options and alternatives, pouring out frustrations and angers and hurts--that is what prayer is, really, right? Sometimes my prayers are gratitude-I count my 'blessings' and I know how rich I am. Sometime my prayers are apologies for feeling sorry for my 'little problems'. I have occasionally acknowledge that there may be a 'god' and I have told him more than once that I think he is kind of mean to mess with our heads the way he does if even half of what is in the Bible is true-he made it 100% lacking in credibility. I have told THAT god that I fully expect mercy, otherwise I wouldn't have anything nice to say to him.

    Mostly I think prayer is kind of a therapy, and it does help sometimes, just like therapy can help.

  • stillajwexelder

    Extremely rarely

  • Pioneer Spit...oh, i mean Spirit
    Pioneer Spit...oh, i mean Spirit

    Great topic and comments.

    I do not. If there's a God, I'm annoyed with him. Every once in a while I get really pissed and say 'sweet & sour baby Jesus'. That's as close to prayer as I get.

    I can't separate 'need for spirituality' from being a Hoho with all its obsessive godliness and divine hatred for others.

  • sspo

    No, its been a couple of years now, i feel prayers are not answered.

  • POs Son
    POs Son

    I do not pray (unless the occasional "Oh God!" counts). I do however still tell people in turmoil (death, illness etc) that they are "In our thoughts and prayers." I suppose they need not know how or if I worship, those details are mine.

  • Undecided

    Not much. I'm really trying to figure out if there is really a God and why and if he created the universe. It's really hard to see how complicated life is without some type of creator but I just feel lost for answers.

    Ken P.

  • NewYork44M

    I don't talk to god and he doesn't talk to me. We both seem to be doing just fine. Thank you very much.

    Next time you talk to him tell him I said what's up?

  • Confucious

    I do still pray.

    But I think it's at a higher "consciousness" than before.

    I mean, as a dub I used to pray at ever meal.

    But really, how meaningful does that become.

    It was more out of "rote."

  • Dogaradodya
    I think JWD may have to be my "Higher Power" by oompa

    No, I command God -- my genie.

    Riddle: "The heaven is my throne, and the earth is my footstool." Who's speaking?

    The genie of Isaiah

  • WTWizard

    Only to Satan, that he foil Jehovah's plans for the Watchtower Society to break the 7 milliion mark and place me in that Value Destroyer Training School.

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