When, if ever, did you start caring about POLITICS?

by Open mind 30 Replies latest jw friends

  • prophecor

    Public service, with the proper motivation, there is no more a nobler profession to be involved in. Unfortunately, we are humans, and our best designs and intentions can often get in the way of greater good that's needed to be done. Power, money, fame and influence are best left to those without humongous egos. Which leaves out, most of humanity. Military service, law enforcement and civic duty is, however, of the highest of human calling.

  • JeffT

    I've been politically active since about 1965. I sort of kept my interest at a low profile while I was a witness, but I re-registered to vote even before the DA letter went out. That was in 1988.

  • misanthropic

    I think 2004 was the first year I voted, I really started getting into politics the last 3 years and now I watch the political debates and discussion shows whenever I can.

  • happehanna

    Me too, always cared about Politics when I was a witness just couldn't vote thats all!

    Now I have added it to my degree.

    I vote and email MP's etc had some really good responses.

  • JimmyPage

    I never cared until W became president and screwed everything up. Then I realized just how important it is to have a leader of intelligence in office.

  • Mysterious

    When I started getting interested in gay rights while I was coming out in high school. Never really had a good handle on politics until university though.

  • golf2

    I've been into politics for some years now and it's based on deception. Arthur J. Stanbury once said, "An ignorant people are easily betrayed, and a wicked people can never be rules by the mild influence of their own laws."

    My acquaintances are in politics simply for the money and power.

  • Layla33

    I can't say I care but I am informed about politics. I went through stages of being very passionate about it, learning about it, attending rallies, etc. However, realizing now how much of politics is manipulated and that these figure heads that run for office are well planned and organized manipulators for the public - I take it all with a grain of salt. I very rarely get into political discussions.

    I have been registered to vote since I was 21.

  • digderidoo

    I started caring about politics straight away, i think it seemed to fill that gap that was left when i faded. I began educating myself on politics and found it really interesting. My first act of crossing the disfellowshipping lane was to vote in the 1997 UK election, it felt so empowering.

    Now though i have become disallusioned with politics. I look back at that scripture (Jeremiah i think?) where it says, "it does not belong to man to direct his own step" ... or something like that. Different political systems have given it a go and nothing has worked.

    But now my disallusionment comes from educating myself, rather than being blindly told "we are no part of the world".


  • *summer*

    I used to care about politics. Keeping myself informed, voting, and all.

    But I soon realised that government after government, things never change. The rich keep getting richer and the poor keep getting poorer, while the "save the planet" advocates fly everywhere in private jets.

    This is all too depressing and disgusting and...not worth my time.

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