Those who do not believe in intellient design and creation is brain dead!!

by Blackboo 64 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • loosie
    Those who do not believe in intellient design and creation is brain dead!!

    those who make blankets statements like that are jerks!!!

    now that we got the 3rd grade mentality is out of they way, lets continue shall we.

    Why is it that some christians have to resort to calling names to make their point? is it because they can't back things up with facts?

    I believe that we all (even you) have the right to believe how we wish too. I don't believe that because I don't agree with someone I have the right call them names.

    I choose not to believe in fairy tales. because I chose to grow up. I needed fairy tales when I was a child. I don't need them now that I am grown up.

  • Finally-Free

    I am gonna keep it as simple as this...PLEASE answer this SIMPLE ONE question to you who do not believe in intelligent design.

    But notice how evolution leaves OUT ALL the obvious details about the HUMAN body..which leads to my question how did man and woman evolved??? Well my bible says God put man to sleep and took one of his ribs..and made WOMAN. Whats your NON GOD explanation...LOL..i,ll wait..i need a good laugh tonight.

    haha i got all you SHOOK! My errors are on PURPOSE! lol..good try in using that to STeer from my question...i am still waiting...were not all of you Jehovah's Witnesses at one point and believed in GOD..what happened..just because the Watchtower is a false religion should not change your mind..i sense deep bitterness and resentment...

    Thank you. I'll forward this overwhelming evidence to Ontario's minister of education. Surely the teaching of evolution will now be banned from our schools solely on the basis of your findings here.

    Well done!


  • tijkmo
    Isn't this a oxymoron a Blackboo thread and intelligent design

    an oxymoron


  • Homerovah the Almighty
    Homerovah the Almighty

    Sorry my grammar wasn't up to par last night I was at Moe's drinking with Carl and Lenny.....sheesh fussy fussy

  • wanderlustguy

    Gotta say one thing for the dude...defintiely knows how to pick thread topics...

  • 5go
    Me thinks those that live in Oklahoma houses shouldn't hurl grammatical insults.

  • Hortensia

    this is sort of like Alice in Wonderland: Blackboo - meet Obves. Obves - meet Blackboo. I know you two will have a LOT to talk about. Way over in that corner, maybe. And Rising Eagle, I have to make a little gentle correction. You said, "We ain't not either!." I believe that it would be more correct to say, "we ain't not neither!"

  • BizzyBee
    Those who do not believe in intellient design and creation is brain dead!!

    I'm tellin' you - you CANNOT argue with logic like that. *you just can't!*

  • 5go
    this is sort of like Alice in Wonderland: Blackboo - meet Obves. Obves - meet Blackboo. I know you two will have a LOT to talk about. Way over in that corner, maybe. And Rising Eagle, I have to make a little gentle correction. You said, "We ain't not either!." I believe that it would be more correct to say, "we ain't not neither!"

    Yeah, you know you are not looking to good when Obves looks sane and reasonable compared to you.

  • Hortensia

    or if you try, you'll just exhaust yourself in the effort

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