Why Do JW's not use Child care or Sunday Type School?

by kwr 18 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • AlyMC

    This was one of my biggest concerns with going post children. The elders told me it was because children should be "trained from infancy". I forget the scripture, but it is one we all have heard. They should not be in the back having fun because it is not a topic of play, but a serious one that means the difference of their life or death. They can't expect to "get through on our baptism" for to long.

    We got talked about because we would bring books, magnadoodles, pencils, etc and also play games with her at the expense of our ability to listen. The elders insisted the only reason I questioned their doctrine was that I was looking for an excuse not to have to ask my daughter to sit through the meetings.

    Then of course I started realizing that I wanted my girls to have more opportunity and power over their lives than I did... so I guess it was mostly because of them that I came to terms with my suspicions. So I guess in a way they were right.

  • AlyMC

    And the mothers room at the hall absolutely beat the boring meeting. lol... we used to have so many fun conversations back there.

  • Honesty

    It's easier to brainwash people when you have them all together in the same room.

  • MinisterAmos

    It's because the Org follows Jesus' example on how to treat children!

    OK scratch that....

    Umm it's because Jesus teaches that "You must become as children" that the WT molds children to be as much like adults as possible.

    Yeah that's it!

  • choosing life
    choosing life

    They had a rocking chair and a loveseat in the "baby room" at my old hall. The elders decided that the young mothers were spending too much time in there because they were too comfortable, so they decided to toss them both and allowed only 2 hard chairs in there. This room had a speaker too, so they could listen to the meeting if they chose to.

    I remember trying to change and nurse a newborn at the summer convention in the hallway in a room made of plywood. What comfort and concern they showed? At first, they allowed baby strollers, so you could at least push them around to get them to sleep. Then they decided these were a fire hazard, even the ones that folded like an umbrella.

    Taking babies to long conventions was really stressful and I can't imagine why I ever did it. The jws do think that children are just little adults. The young parents today need to revolt and refuse to bring children to five hours of meetings a week.

  • dinah

    Mind control from infancy. That's it.

  • lrkr

    Thank goodness there isn't an organized Sunday School type program for children. The retention rate of kids staying in the Borg would shoot up I think. There would be an opportunity for professional indoctrination. And meetings wouldnt be so boring for kids, and irritating for parents. More teens would stick around, and more parents would enjoy the meetings (OK that last part is a stretch)

    I say that the "Ignore the Kids" policy is having a predictable and positive influence. Please dont give the guys any ideas!!!

  • strawberry cake
    strawberry cake

    quote..I say that the "Ignore the Kids" policy is having a predictable and positive influence. Please dont give the guys any ideas!!! Oops, shhhhhh! Your right!!

  • VanillaMocha73

    Reasons given in Proclaimers book:
    "Teachers were staying out of the field service to prepare for these classes (for young ones) and to conduct them."
    "(relating to those who were conducting children's programs) - What was taking place, however, was that an organization was developing within an organization of Jehovah's servants. This would not contribute to unity."
    " and... in 1883, they decided that only a very short time was left until all the member's of Christ's bride would be united with him in heavenly glory. ... We who are in training for the high calling cannot turn aside from the special work of this age.

    So, basically, spending time on the kids doesn't sell magazines..... and kids don't bring in money. So, why care? And besides, the end is too close to be bothered..... and they were counseled not to have kids in the first place.

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