Why Do JW's not use Child care or Sunday Type School?

by kwr 18 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • kwr

    While I have only been to one meeting my entire life I have always found it odd that JW's don't use child care or sunday type school for children. What is the reason for this policy by WTS?


  • blondie

    There was a time in Rutherford's day they did have Sunday School for children. They even had a special newsletter. Rutherford squashed it though with the concept it was the responsibility of the parents. It usually ends up being the mother's job and she spends most of her time in the bathroom or backroom with the children. A recent study article has said that these women are suffering spiritually and that the husbands should do more to help, even suggesting that he share highlights with the wife on the way home from the meetings. What a bunch of crap. During one co visit he found that of the 14 families that could have had a family study, only 3 were doing so (and there were 6 elders with minor children). It's just a delusion that parents are training their children in "bible understanding"

  • Mickey mouse
    Mickey mouse

    In the case of Child care I guess it's part of the push to expose them to "the world" as little as possible. Here in the UK I don't actually know anyone who has used childcare (as in for whole days whilst the parents work) before their children were of school age. Then again if you're a window cleaner or shop assistant it probably doesn't pay to work and pay for childcare. There are some who frown upon non-compulsory nursery school here which is provided for 3-5 year olds. I have taken a little heat from others for sending mine there.

  • strawberry cake
    strawberry cake

    This is an incredibly selfish, uncaring situation. Children are incredibly eager to learn. If the society could give them their own meeting..... of bible learning/drama/ fun/games and singing. This would be showing love and understanding for the needs of an innocent child. There is a sinister lack of TRUE love in this Organization. That is the reason there is no Sunday type school. The old men at Bethel, don't care enough to change the format to suit the brothers and sisters. The brothers and sisters have to suit them. My middle son (when younger) especially used to tear away at his finger till they bled and he would shake his leg in torment.All of my boys shook. Now that I have backed out of attending, my youngests' nails are growing back!! Stupid me, thought they were just being naughty and attention seeking...looking back, I am ashamed that I did not follow my instincts.( I think I lost them!) xxx Strawberry Cake

  • DaCheech

    childcare during meetings would mean that some witless will not listen to the meetings.

    in their eyes children are adults.

    children should have their own bible studies

    children should do adult talks

    children should get baptized

    on the contrary, as long as my children behave during meetings, I could care less if they have a witless publication in their hand

  • Robert7

    Having 2 young kids, this has always been an issue for us. The incredibly kid-unfriendly environment leads to parents like us who go and many times either get nothing out of the meeting or many times even regret going.

    Many acknowledge that even adults have a hard time sitting at attention for 2 hours, that kids have it even worse, but no one from a high level will do anything about it.

    We actually had a time at our hall where they would 1) encourage parents to take their noisy kids back 2) not allow you to stand in the back with your kids and 3) not allow you to hang out in the bathroom or back school! So I guess the answer was just don't go. One sister once left early after getting mad.

    Additionally, "KIDS, DON'T HAVE FUN". They were discouraged from reading non-bible books, coloring, etc. So a 5 year old is expected to sit quietly with a WT in their hands. Yeah...

    This may not seem like a lot if you don't have kids, or are fortunate to have quiet kids, but for most parents all this really sucked and became a good reason to miss meetings.

  • dinah

    This is just one more thing the WT does that makes sad, The smallest of children are expected to sit there during an incredibly boring meeting like an adult. My early memories of meetings are akin to torture. I would play all kinds of games in my mind to try and pass the time. You couldn't get up and hand out in the bathroom.

    Sometimes I wonder if they don't have Sunday School for the little children simply because that is what the churches do. They stive to be different in every possible way from the communities churches.

  • WTWizard

    They want children to get baptized as young as possible. If they are to get baptized at age 6, they are going to have to learn quickly that they are to pay attention to the boasting sessions. They will be giving talks as soon as they are able to talk, and they will have to go out in field circus as soon as they can walk. They will have to start placing littera-trash as soon as they are physically able to.

    Give them a separate, age-appropriate program, and they are going to have a hard time getting baptized that young. They will be more fun and games (which are swear words in the witless society). The learning will happen in stages, and they will likely be 16 or 18 before they are ready to get baptized. By then, they are more likely to think about it before going under the water. And that makes it more likely that they will wuss out, or better yet totally decide not to get baptized (the more so if they reach adulthood and are not yet baptized).

    They also might have some of what the Watchtower Society is getting ready to ban--fxx. This will come in the form of drawing pictures, singing, and having games. While they do it anyway, it usually earns them a spanking or beating, plus threats of worse beatings at home. If they get together and do it legitimately, they are less likely to do pranks like turning off alarm clocks or running the fever thermometer under hot water to get out of going. And, that once a year gxxxout (where they forgo the program for a day and simply play games) will give people a little something other than field circus to look forward to. All that is being phased out (and wait until they study the April 2008 Kool-Aid!).

    I can expect things to continue getting worse. I wonder just how low they will set the baptism age for children before they get their houndings. And what little fun is left is going to be taken away. All those gatherings, parties, and the like are basically banned by the Tower nowadays, or will soon be. Children will be expected to learn to walk before age 1, talk fluently and read by age 2, place littera-trash like adults by age 2, and give adult talks before 3. I see the day when children will be treated as adults, and anyone who reaches their 6th birthday and is not baptized, or reaches 6 months past when one or both parents are baptized and they are 6 or more when the study starts, is going to earn a serious hounding by Brother Hounder.

  • kurtbethel

    "While I have only been to one meeting my entire life I have always found it odd that JW's don't use child care or sunday type school for children. What is the reason for this policy by WTS?"

    Perhaps the GB is terrified at the thought of preschool children not learning about Oral Sex in great detail.

  • tula

    I think it is another aspect of behavior modification to keep the child in isolation and from social interaction with others.

    Early years form the behavior patterns.

    It eventually becomes "normal" and "accepted" behavior to not relate and form attachments to other people.

    This is probably one reason that these people can be so cold and detached.

    When you grow up from an early age without contact of play and discourse with your peers, you have no basis of comparison as to how others live life having freedom and companionship.

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