Memorial: Partaking of the Emblems

by tula 28 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • DJPoetech

    Tula: I have actually heard this before but didn't know how to confirm it.

    What a shame/sham this would be and to think of all the times I just looked at the plate and wine go past thinking Jesus didn't want me to dine at the table with him.

  • tula


  • Finally-Free

    When I was a JW I knew 4 people who partook. Interestingly, all of them suffered from schizophrenia. My ex held the opinion that Jehovah gave them schizophrenia as punishment for "partaking unworthily".


  • stillajwexelder

    I know somebody who read C of C - and wanted to go out is style. He partook of the emblems. I tried my best not to laugh, but it was funny at the time

  • yknot

    Well of course you could go and just partake with the later explanation that Jesus found you worthy ten or so years ago, but like Joe, and the current GB, you didn't tell them or act accordingly because of 'due season'

  • Hortensia

    "partake of the emblems" arghhhhhh jargon! Jargon!

  • heathen

    Tula , your anointed friend is a nutter. I don't believe what the WTBTS has to say on the issue . They are liars and back biters , my experience deffinitely point me in that direction.

  • tula

    I don't think the last three posters even read what I wrote.

    I never said I had an annointed friend, either.

    What a lack of reading comprehension.

    why do I bother?

  • heathen

    Well it was 3:53 am when I wrote it and had been hitting the sauce most of the night .LOL Regardless , I don't care what any of them think , the first century during Pentecost people jumped to conclusions as well, thinking they were drunk .The bible is clear on the issue of prophesy and dreaming dreams , revelation states that bearing witness to Jesus inspires prophesy. The WTBTS convoluted the whole issue of inspiration and spirit direction to the point of absurdity .Personally I believe that the great crowd can receive holy spirit where as the 144k are martyred ,that's how you can tell the difference is if they die due to conflict with the worlds political powers as did Jesus. IMO

  • tula
    Personally I believe that the great crowd can receive holy spirit where as the 144k are martyred ,that's how you can tell the difference is if they die due to conflict with the worlds political powers as did Jesus. IMO

    Heathen...this is brilliant. Please start a thread to discuss this. And if you can back it with scripture that would be very very interesting to read. I think there may be something to this.

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