Any ex witness that has just left the JW's during 2007/08 tell us why?

by DEFENDERJW 20 Replies latest watchtower beliefs


    I faded back in summer 2007.

    There were the things that get alot of people IE: dates and contradictions. But, what got to me most was the lack of love. Which is supposed to be the identifying mark.

    As I told one elder. I said the witnesses have a great amount of affection for the ones that "spiritually strong". But they all but outcast the "spiritually weak". I said to me that makes no sense. He acutally agreed with me. But he said, that is just people's opinions and I should not blame the organization for people's imperfections. I said, but where do you think they learn to act a certain way and come to their conclusions. If the organization really wanted to change this problem they could.

    That was pretty much it.

    To me the witness are the most judgmental/hipacritical people on earth.

    I took the elder's advice and I took a look at the bigger picture. Sometimes you have to step back from something to realy see what the problem is. When I stepped back from the organization. I saw a MAJOR flaw.

    Everybody is different though.


  • V

    Nice quote!

    Then I came across a WT quote. It said: " The Catholic Church occupies a very significant position in the world and claims to be the way of salvation for hundreds of millions of people. Any organization that assumes that position should be willing to submit to scrutiny and criticism.”—Awake magazine 22 Aug 1984 p.28
  • civicsi00

    I had begun my research on the WTS in late 2006 when I stumbled across the UN info online. By May/June of 2007, I had learned quite a bit more about JW history, and one of the red flags for me too was the April 07 WT. It made me upset to see the GB hold themselves so high, thinking that no one would learn any bible truth without them and I called it BS (I was sitting in a KH when this happened)... By the end of 2007, I've been fully aware of most of the WT schemes, their clever, manipulative words, that will never affect me again.

    For me.. the one thing I think about the most was the hope that the WT gave all those people for decades.. and then to see it flutter away in the wind as if the WT never promoted it... that's what still keeps me away... I feel sorry for the millions still captivated by the myth...

  • megaflower

    never been all that happy being a witness. I often wonder why I hung on for over 20 years,. I think one of the reasons is the whole guilt thing about protecting your children and how will they get into paradice.

    !. never liked fiels service

    2. the meetings were boring esp the WT study

    3. personal study-tried to do it but quickly became bored

    4. had a hard time with the whole male over the female thing. You could be a female with a PHD in accounting and if the brothers were having a hard time figuring out something dealing with finance/accounting they would not ask "the female". They put someone without a high school diploma in charge of the matter- TRUE STORY.

    5. They treated my kids really bad esp my disabled son

    6. discoved the whole un thing and the stock they own with making military drones

    7. failed prophecys

    8. in the past few years constantly bringing up money-can you give more, more, more

  • SnakesInTheTower

    My last meeting was September 2007. I was deleted as an elder at the end of Dec 2006. I changed congregations and circuits for the sole purpose of fading. I knew the PO of the congo I went to. If I hadn't been deleted, it is likely they would have reappointed me almost immediately. I forced the hand of the elders in my previous congo to delete me rather than "step aside" as I originally intended. I did that just so that I could not be immediately reappointed in my new congo.

    In the new congo, I went to both Sunday meetings and the Theocratic Misery School and Sales Meetings at first, but never the Congo BS..I was love bombed..but that ended quickly when it was learned I couldn't be reappointed...... then I dropped the TMS and SM....then started leaving after the Public Rant......then I just started going to that once a month......then after about 6 weeks of not going to any meetings. I attended my last Grand Boasting Session in 2007, I attended one last meeting after the GBS at the local KH (mostly to see what the new remodeled KH looked like)...and that was that.. I have not been back since.

    My last day in the field circus was the week of Christmas 2006...during the CO visit...the visit during which I was deleted. I turned in "phantom reports" through August 2006...and then stopped doing even that. Nice round end of Service Year ending.....

    Why did I leave? I wish I could say it was over a lot of the issues that have been mentioned already...(UN, Malawi, pedophiles, etc)...and those things did have a cumulative effect on me. It was really the hypocrisy that I seen on the BOEs that I served on that bothered me the most. I truly cared about those in my charge as an elder. When fellow elders began to beat the sheep with their opinions instead of showing true love and kindness, and this began to affect my attitude toward the friends, I knew I could not continue in good conscience being an elder...Eventually, I realized I could not even be a Witness anymore. I had doubts for a long time prior..back in the late 80s/early intense study of "Bible" chronology vs. "secular/historical" chronology told me all I needed to know about the 607 issue and especially the "generation" issue ...the Borg tried to "resolve" in 1995 and again recently..... Lies...all lies....

    Since then I have completed a college degree and am working on another.....working hard, studying hard, paying off debts very quickly...not wasting my time in "useless" things anymore...taking care of myself...maybe one day find a nice gal to share the second half of my life with. Sorry so long....

    Snakes ()

  • monophonic

    "The end came for me with unqualified janitors, window washers and car salesmen with AT MOST a G12 education making life impacting decisions for those in their charge. The way out has been a very long and complex road for me, but unqualified mouthbreathing morons in positions of authority was the last straw."

    brilliantly said.

    i don't know the keyboard shortcut for applause, so i'm applauding.

  • sweet pea
    sweet pea

    January 2007 - Broke my wrist 6 weeks before birth of our second child.

    No help from my 'loving' brothers and sisters.

    April 2007 - 2 month old son goes into hospital for operation, husband away in the US, no support from the 'friends'

    Found out WT teaches Jesus not our mediator which didn't sit right with me.

    Checked out and discovered the truth about 607, Jehovah's name, the UN, 1914, blood.

    The child abuse settlement hit the news.

    Read Crisis of Conscience, In Search of Christian Freedom - blown away.

    After 3 days of research decided I could not continue attending meetings and told a few friends.

    August 2007 - Asked to attend a JC - did not attend due to a note from the Doctor (mental state) which was ignored by elders. Sent a letter to elders asking to be left alone and promising not to mention anything to anyone again. Disfellowshipped for apostasy the next day. So much for their concern for someone in a delicate mental state....

    Never been happier. Will NEVER go back.

    Still miss some of the 'friends' but hope I'll hook up with some of them again one day.

  • sspo

    Because i found out i spent 32 years in a cult and the sad part is that i trained my kids so well that they are still in.

  • megawatt

    I have to say, attitude and the hypocrisy to begin which lead me to 2nd guess the reasoning behind all of this. Was a bit skeptical about researching, but soon enough I was blown away that an organization that I was brought up in practically had so many contradictions through out it's history. UN, Malawi-mexico and now researching 607 bce *slaps head*. And this well documented unbiased info available for all to see. Taking a step back and looking from the outside in is something else... Next... Looking for a copy Crisis of Conscience...

  • strawberry cake
    strawberry cake

    Yesterday I told my Book study conductor that I will not be coming back to the meetings at all and to close my ministry account as I will not be reporting. I had considered fading slowish ..but couldn't stomach it. Over the last few months I have relinquished all my studies. It was after reading the new 'light' on the generation. This led to me investigating more and finding out more falsehoods.This led to shepherdings and being told not to spread my opinions. Lately I have been having conversations(some heated )with friends in the congregation about why I have left. They are all shocked. I have told them straight up why I have left..( I wanted them to know I haven't left Jehovah.)I know I should have been more discrete, but I find I am not afraid of the consequences, also, fortunately I have a loving 'worldly' family and my now exJW husband agrees with me.Tonight I had a difficult conversation with a sister who is loyal to the org. She said she will have to shun me because she has to protect her beliefs. I tried to explain how the org tells her to do this, and not the bible because I am not leaving Jehovah. She was taken by surprise by my views.In the end we just said goodbye/take care to each other. Tomorrow I am invited to a JW gathering. I am wondering if I should go or not. I feel I am not rejecting them so maybe I should just go... Its turning into a scandal as I was very involved in the congregation.

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