Why Do YOU Come Here?

by minimus 47 Replies latest jw friends

  • Rooster

    this thread gave me gas.. Can you smell it?

  • flipper

    MINIMUS- I come here to give support to people like most of us who have exited the witness cult . And if I receive support in return I consider it a bonus - but I don't expect it out of people . I enjoy helping newbies understand what they were going through involving " cult mind control" . Many come here and don't even realize how controlled they were unless they talk through it and get feedback from those on the board here who have been out awhile from the witnesses.

    Also I have made some good friends here- and I am enjoying continuing to make good friends here . We all want freedom of choice and freedom of mind - I enjoy the varying viewpoints

  • myababes

    I am thoroughly confused as to why I come on here. I am addicted to checking it every night even if I don't post.

    You would think that we would want to get away fro anything JW related but they have us by the short and curlys even years later you just can't completely break totally free can you

  • Barbie Doll
    Barbie Doll

    To have Friends.

    To help others, and to get help.

    Learn about JWs

    To laugh.

  • hillary_step

    To make new friends.


  • Twitch

    for the fluff,....


  • Layla33

    To vent.

    To read other people venting.

    To be around other people from a similar background who can understand you.

    Possibly make a new friend or acquaintence.

  • oldflame

    Because I want to . Lolling out:11653

  • myelaine

    I'm at home with little ones and there are big people here that read the Bible...and they might have a clue regarding what I've been talking about in the book of Revelation.With all the angels and things. With serious spiritual stuff happening......I just thought you guys might know something about this.

    plus it's cool here.


    love michelle

    edited to elaborate a bit

  • PEC

    I come here to visit, my little red dot buddy, minimus.


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