WTS Preparing for Tribulation?

by Smoky 14 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Smoky

    A active JW friend, just recently commented to me that the CO said all these changes (eg.. 30 min. Public talk, less magazines publications...etc.) is a sign of the great tribulation is sooooo close now, and the WTS is preparing.

    I chuckled, when he said that. It is crazy how the R&F just eat this stuff up.

    Do you guys here siimiliar comments.


  • Gopher

    I'm not close enough to hear anything any more.

    But I remember hearing stuff like that a long time back. Like in the late 70's when the WT Society switched to 4-color printing for its magazines, I heard it was supposed to attract more people to "the truth" in a big push before "the end" came.

  • AlmostAtheist

    Every move the Watchtower makes is interpreted to be in preparation for The End. Selling, buying, moving. Increases, decreases. Everything.

    The more things change, the more they stay a shame... ;-)


  • sspo

    The CO job is to keep everyone on their feet with " the end is around the corner", do more and more.

    He looks good, the elders look good when they send a nice report back to the society.

    Anyone who's been around for decades like the CO's have been, down deep they don't beleive all the crap.

    It's just a job for them, what else can they do after so many decades visiting congregations and being taken care of.

  • VM44

    How often has it been said "SUCH and SUCH is a sign that the end is almost here!"

    How long can they keep on saying things like that before they realize that they have been mislead and that The Watchtower doesn't know anything at all about what it is talking about!

  • tula

    I never heard them talk very much about "tribulation". It was as though they IGNORED that part.

    When I have mentioned tribulation, my friend holds up two fingers squeezing them together and says "armageddon and tribulation are just like this". This close.

    They seem to be under the delusion that as soon as tribulation starts, Armageddon happens.

    I feel certain that tribulation will have a duration of time. There will be no "immediate rescue".

    I have never heard the JWs talk much about tribulation before.

    So why would they make an issue of it now?

  • sir82

    OK, so let's say the tribulation has started.

    6 billion people are out to maim, torture or kill any JW they happen to find. Food and water is scarce, wild animals roam the streets, war, terror, and chaos reign.

    Let's listen in to a group of JWs huddled in the basement of an abandoned house, sucking on chicken bones in an attempt to fend off starvation:

    "Well, all I can say is, thank God they reduced the Public Talk to 30 minutes! It so helped me prepare for this!"

    "Boy, you ain't kidding. Between that and the one-less-Awake per month, my faith has been fully amplified!"


  • OnTheWayOut

    30 minute public talks- allows fellowship for 15 minutes more. Makes the meeting
    more tolerable. I suppose cramming 1 more cong. into the same hall will allow them to
    say this is preparation for getting rid of the responsibility of an additional hall, so they can
    focus on the real work of serving the need to sell magazines.

    Less mags- reduces cost for the printing corp. that hoped the public would donate for the
    crap, but didn't. I suppose telling the drones to focus on the issues in less mags will
    help them to sell the stuff. Then they can say the work is more in unity.

    Let's see what else-

    A woman or a black man becoming president for the King of the South.
    I might have to consult OBVES on that, but this president paves the way for 2012, the big
    showdown. America will be divided over race or gender and start bombing places, not aware
    of their helping bring the Great Tribulation into place.

    Global Warming- the big bad corporations and greedy Businessmen are ruining the earth more
    than the publishing company that tears down trees for garbage that goes right into the garbage,
    and encourages all it's members to drive around all weekend in minivans. Must be near the end.

    WTS moving out of NYC- don't assume they don't have faith in God to protect them from Great
    Tribulation upon the city. This move is being sped up because of the persecution of WTS with
    lawsuits. "We need the money from the buildings." Proof that the end is near.

    Elders school at Patterson- of course they are being prepared for assisting the members during
    these trying times. We all know that elders are severely underqualified to help, so training is
    important in the time of the end. How many ways can they be taught to say, "Do more, more, more!" ?

  • civicsi00

    That is crazy. So the reason they're selling their properties is because...the end is coming soon? What are they going to do with all the money? Pay their way in to Paradise?

    How is having 30 minutes of public talk time/one less Asleep magazine going to help ANYONE survive the tribulation?

    I heard that the tribulation had already started.. in Mexico. That tribulation is actually people becoming materialistic and not focusing on God.... (this is what I heard from one of my aunts in Mexico...)

  • Homerovah the Almighty
    Homerovah the Almighty

    Its called reworking the bullshit to help stabilize the numbers and boost sales

    The big scam is starting to lose its ground and its getting weaker by the day

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