How are Governing Body members chosen?

by crownboy 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • nytelecom1

    anyone who continues to call the governing body old crippled
    men just shows how out of touch they are with the wts.....
    obviously you have know idea who are serving at the present time

  • blondie

    That's true the 4 most recent are in their 50's and 60's.

    Gerritt Loesch
    Guy Pierce
    Samuel Herd (Afro American)
    Steven Lett
    David Splane

    *** yb00 5 A Letter From the Governing Body ***
    We are pleased to inform you that effective October 1999, four anointed brothers were appointed to serve on the Governing Body with us. This was announced at the annual meeting. The average age of the newly appointed brothers is 57, and their average years in full-time service is 31. Their names are Samuel F. Herd, M. Stephen Lett, Guy H. Pierce, and David H. Splane.

  • cornish

    The idea is that the only time individuals can genuinely be of the annointed since 1935 is if someone else of the annointed goes unfaihful to take their place in the dwindling number of positions left.
    Mathematically you would expect a steady decline as annointed finish their earthly lives,but never,ever an increase because the numbers were deemed to be sealed in 1935 and no one could take a new position since new positions havent existed since then,only the position of someone unfaithful,but paradoxally the numbers in the yearbook have been known to actually go up,according to their own theory this should be impossible.
    Because of this when I was a Witness if someone started taking the emblems and claiming to be of the annointed they would generally be viewed as a bit sus,and gossip would abound,now it seems the pre 1935 brigade are more and more prevalant on the governing body.

  • D wiltshire
    D wiltshire

    This is a big if.
    IF the number of anointed was filled in 1935, and new anointeds are replacements and the number of those partaking has remained rather steady the past 2 or more decades that means this:

    That the vast majority of those of the anointed that have died durring the past 2 or more decades did not die faithful, and get their reward,.. because they were replaced...since the number of partaker has NOT gotten that much smaller... and in some years has even grown.

    If someone lived a trillion X longer than you, and had a billion X more reasoning ability would he come to the same conclusions as you?
  • TR

    Haven't "Great Crowd" members been dispensing the "food" for years? I mean the writers who get rubber stamped by the GB.

    I'm amazed that a comedian from 'Saturday Night Live' and several goofy comedies (David Splane) is a Witness and on the GB!


    The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.
    —Edmund Burke

  • nytelecom1

    u mean spade

  • wannahelp

    Can someone show me the WT or other literature from the organization that states that the "heavens" were filled up in 1935 when the second "earthly hope" class was announced?


    - Wannahelp

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