How are Governing Body members chosen?

by crownboy 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • crownboy

    Since it wouldn't make sense for the society to choose "orginal" (i.e. pre-1935) annointed ones for the GB because they're so old now, how do they choose the new ones? Couldn't a "newer" annointed simply declare himself to be one just so he could get on the Body? How would the current GB know the person is genuinely annointed if they were born after 1935? (Yeah, I know this is all moot, but I wonder anyway)

    Go therefore and baptize the people in the name of the father and of the son... what the hell, we just need to bring up the yearbook numbers!

  • IslandWoman


    The Governing Body has the same evidence of anyones anointing today, in 2001, as they had prior to 1935.

    The word of the one claiming to be such is all that can be provided. That is all. It has been that way since the days of Russell.

    "I am anointed" has been and still is the criteria for such claims!

    No one, no one, not even the Governing Body, has been able to provide proof of their anointing, proofs similar to those found in the first century! Only their word, gives them absolute power over the lives of so many!

    This is a crime! This is a travesty!

    This is why they keep changing their doctrine, something that Paul and the other Apostles did not do! A man's word is not enough, proofs from God MUST be provided, just as it was before!


  • D wiltshire
    D wiltshire

    Here's a postcard I'm sending to all my exfriends(JW's)

    DEAR Friends,
    Why is there so much depression among Jehovah’s Witnesses? (Could it be from trusting a man made Organization?)
    And if you think about it, these men who you follow don’t even claim to be INSPIRED by Jehovah, yet these men want you to accept everything they say as if it is inspired.
    If God didn’t inspire them how can they be so certain that God has appointed them only to be his channel? Isn’t that being … presumptuous? DELUSIONAL
    Psalm 146:3-4 says:
    3 Do not put YOUR trust in nobles, Nor in the son of earthling man, to whom no salvation belongs. (You will get depressed if you trust them more than you trust God)
    4 His spirit goes out, he goes back to his ground;
    In that day his thoughts do perish. (All men die, even C.T. Russell died, and not even one thing he predicted came true, they can’t save themselves, and they can’t save you either)

    If someone lived a trillion X longer than you, and had a billion X more reasoning ability would he come to the same conclusions as you?
  • blondie

    I agree that one only needs say they are anointed. There is no outward proof like the holy spirit coming down like a flame and speaking in tongues.

    So they look for baptized MEN who have said they have been anointed for some time who have demonstrated that they support the organization's policies and procedures (mostly COs and DOs or missionaries or branch overseers) who are in good physical health.

    It is felt that those after 1935 are replacements for those who fall away and are judged by Jehovah to have sinned against the holy spirit before they even die and are not deserving of a resurrection.

    This is what I understand.

  • JT

    Blondie says:

    So they look for baptized MEN who have said they have been anointed for some time who have demonstrated that they support the organization's policies and procedures (mostly COs and DOs or missionaries or branch overseers) who are in good physical health


    this is it - kinda simple , but this is how it is done, bottom line


  • Mindchild

    How do they choose the new members? I thought everybody knew this...

    Enie Meenie Minie Moe catch an apostate by his toe, and if he hollar's make him pay, one Watchtower every day!

    Sorry, please forgive me for injecting humor into your thread I must have been influenced by Fred...I just gotta stop...


    "The religion of the future will be a cosmic religion. The religion which based on experience, which refuses dogmatic. If there's any religion that would cope the scientific needs it will be Buddhism...." Albert Einstein

  • blondie

    Well, JT, you're a brother who has been to Bethel and been appointed a MS or an elder the process is much the same. Is it the brother's outstanding spiritual qualifications?

    It's who you know, and who you suck up to, who you donate money to, who you're related to, if you have friends high up. It's being seen in the right places, talking to the right people, saying the right things, being seen doing the right things.

    Why do some brothers get selected for parts on the assemblies/conventions and others are passed over and the one the pick is the worst speaker ever?

  • Amazing

    Hi Blondie: You have it correct except for one item. For an Anointed person to be 'replaced' the person must "die" unfaithful. They are not replaced until that time. However, as with not controlling who claims to be anointed, there is no tracking of who is faithful, unfaithful, or who dies faithful or unfaithful. The Society just seems to trust their own system on this one. - Amazing

  • Ranchette

    Thought you might find this interesting.
    May 1 1992 the societey implemented new positions called Given Ones because the GB are dying off they say.
    These are members of the Great crowd that have the earthly hope.
    These guys serve with the GB and sit in on their meetings etc.

    You asked how the GB are chosen but this brings up another question.
    Why didn't they choose Annointed brothers to serve with the GB?There's thousands who claim to be a part of the annointed cong in congregations around the world.
    The annointed are supoposed to be despensing the food to the great crowd.
    Does this mean the society doesn't believe those people who partake are really annointed?
    I don't know the answers.Their behavior raises more than can be answered.Here's the article.

    *** w92 4/15 31 Announcement ***
    Assistance for Governing Body Committees
    The members of the Governing Body of Jehovah’s Witnesses, at present 12 in number, continue to serve faithfully in their assignments. They are always thankful to the loyal members of the increasing “great crowd” for their zealous support. (Revelation 7:9, 15) In view of the tremendous increase worldwide, it seems appropriate at this time to provide the Governing Body with some additional assistance. Therefore it has been decided to invite several helpers, mainly from among the great crowd, to share in the meetings of each of the Governing Body Committees, that is, the Personnel, Publishing, Service, Teaching, and Writing Committees. Thus, the number attending the meetings of each of these committees will be increased to seven or eight. Under the direction of the Governing Body committee members, these assistants will take part in discussions and will carry out various assignments given them by the committee. This new arrangement goes into effect May 1, 1992.
    For many years now, the number of the remnant of anointed Witnesses has been decreasing, while the number of the great crowd has increased beyond our grandest expectations. (Isaiah 60:22) How we thank Jehovah for this marvelous expansion! When the new name, Jehovah’s Witnesses, was gratefully accepted in 1931, the peak number of Kingdom publishers was 39,372, most of whom professed to be anointed brothers of Christ. (Isaiah 43:10-12; Hebrews 2:11) Sixty years later, in 1991, the worldwide peak of publishers was 4,278,820, of whom only 8,850 professed to be of the anointed remnant. As anticipated in the light of the Scriptures, the “great crowd” now outnumber the remnant of the “little flock” by more than 480 to 1. (Luke 12:32; Revelation 7:4-9) In caring for the expanding Kingdom interests, the remnant surely need and appreciate the cooperation and support of the great crowd.
    As explained in this issue of The Watchtower, there is a group serving with spiritual Israel today that is comparable to the Nethinim and the sons of the servants of Solomon who returned from Babylonian exile with the Jewish remnant; those non-Israelites even outnumbered the returning Levites. (Ezra 2:40-58; 8:15-20) “Given ones” from among today’s great crowd are mature Christian men who have had considerable experience as a result of caring for oversight in branches, in the traveling work, and among the 66,000 congregations now established throughout the earth.
    Recently, Kingdom Ministry Schools were held worldwide for the instruction of overseers and their assisting ministerial servants. In the United States alone, 59,420 overseers attended. These “older men” were thus equipped to fulfill their responsibilities more effectively.—1 Peter 5:1-3; compare Ephesians 4:8, 11.
    At the Brooklyn headquarters of Jehovah’s Witnesses, some “given ones” have served for a great many years. These include mature overseers from the great crowd who have gained a wealth of ability and experience. Thus, the Governing Body has selected a few of such overseers to assist in the meetings of the Governing Body’s committees. These are not necessarily the men with the longest record of service. Rather, they are mature, experienced men with qualifications that fit them for giving assistance in particular fields. Their being assigned to work with a committee does not give them a special status. As Jesus said concerning his disciples, “all you are brothers.” (Matthew 23:8) However, much will be entrusted to these men, and consequently “much will be demanded” of them.—Luke 12:48.
    We rejoice in the forward march of Jehovah’s organization today. Over the past ten years, there has been almost a 100 percent increase in the number of those ministering in the field, in line with the prophecy concerning the Greater David, Jesus Christ: “Of the increase of his government and peace there shall be no end.” (Isaiah 9:7, King James Version) In the same way that the Nethinim worked alongside the priests in repairing the walls of Jerusalem, so today the prophecy concerning Jehovah’s organization is being fulfilled: “And foreigners will actually build your walls.” (Isaiah 60:10; Nehemiah 3:22, 26) The modern-day Nethinim are to be commended for the zeal that they show in building up true worship, assisting “the priests of Jehovah” in whatever work or service may be assigned in Jehovah’s worldwide organization.—Isaiah 61:5, 6


  • blondie

    Then, Amazing, you haven't been replaced yet because you are still living. Interesting, does that mean you can be reinstated and still be of the anointed? Since Jehovah does the casting off and you aren't dead yet, you must still be of the anointed. You are holding up someone's opportunity.

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