My first panic attack

by freedomfighter 29 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Alex Delta
    Alex Delta

    I've had about 10 panic attacks 4 in which has brought me to the hospital from the ages from 7 to 20 most doctors were confused. We had so many different diagnosis’s that I should still be in that plastic bubble they wanted to put me in. Those panic attacks are not very nice are they? My uncle at 26 had a heart attack on his second panic attack. Wouldn’t you know it, it was around the time he was kissing so much bleep as a M.S.. But the good news was couple months later he becomes an elder.

  • steve2
    Panic disorders often respond well to a treatment with tricyclic antidepressants (amitryptiline...).

    People please remember that panic disorders respond extremely well to self-help courses or professional therapy such as Cognitive Behavior Therapy or Aceeptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT).

    Warning: Tricyclics are an older type of antipdepressant. They are not only dangerous (it is easy to overdose on trycyclics and the results are often fatal), they also have a negative side effect profile, including over-sedation. They are not a first-line treatment for panic disorders. We only use trycyclics if clients decline therapy and have other co-occurring conditions such as chronic physical pain and newer, less toxic medications are not indicated.

  • bigmouth

    Steve2 is correct in my opinion. I have been a very long term user of antidepressants from the tricyclics to MAOI to SSRI's (and lithium for good measure).

    But I am convinced that long term medication is of use only if you receive some other appropriate therapy. e.g cognitive or 'talk' therapy.

    My first panic attacks occurred during meetings when in my twenties when I began to realise that I wasn't keeping up with Gods organisation. I was behind in study, reading the new magazines, family study, the field service hours were low and prayer wasn't working. The light headedness began to start as I got into the car and I couldn't stay seated in the hall.

    I had to be taken to hospital one day to prevent a suicide attempt and while in found that anti anxiety meds were helpful for a few days and then lost their effect.

    And if you are prescribing tricyclics please let your patients know that the blurred vision, dry mouth, difficulty starting urination, CONSTIPATION and sexual dysfunction may become more distressing than the original disorder. GP's are not as aware of this as psychiatrists are.

  • Hortensia

    interesting - I had panic attacks too - terrible dreadful experiences. Couldn't breathe, chest pain, tears, frozen in one place. What helped the most was getting distance from the org. I didn't have money or medical care, I just toughed my way through it all. Wish I had left the org. earlier or had some medical treatment.

  • restrangled

    Had my first panic attack at age 16 during my meeting with 5 elders who sat behind a big table considering a reversal of the first DFing as appointed by the society.

    Sat there in tears, thinking my hands were in my lap. I happened to look down, and was alarmed to realize my arms were hanging at my side with my hands hanging limp on either side of the chair..... they were dripping ....very frightening~! They dismissed me, and I went to the bathroom and laid my head and hands against the mirror, sweat literally poured down the mirror.


  • cskyjw.sun

    my panic attack was treated with medication.but this is a byproduct from treating my bipolar disorder

  • peacedog

    Anyone else ever wonder how many "demon attacks" reported by jws are nothing more than panic attacks? (Not to minimize panic attacks or anything...)

  • miseryloveselders

    I was getting panic attacks pretty often last year and this year, and dealing with insomnia. At meetings I would be tense, stressed even when I didn't have to get on the platform. I don't do crowds well for one thing. It's hard for me in social settings that people consider fun. The insomnia I'm still struggling with but my doctor is working with me. We tried a couple different SSRIs and one SNRI which I got side effects from. Been on Paxil since March and I'm like a different man. Completely calm and relaxed. I used to have to remind myself to take a deep breath and relax during simple things like watching TV. The Paxil made that go away. They gave me a benzo too, Xanax, which helped prior to going on Paxil. I haven't really needed it since, but I got the refills on it regardless, cuz you never know.

    Something else I noticed since going on Paxil, I really don't give f#$# about anything or anyone lately. I feel emotionally detached from it all. Has anybody else experienced that with an antidepressant?

  • undercover
    Anyone else ever wonder how many "demon attacks" reported by jws are nothing more than panic attacks?

    Back when I was still in, I had several episodes of Night Terrors and I (stupidly) believed it was the demons attacking me in my sleep. I remember being paralyzed and trying to shout "JEHOVAH" but I couldn't get the words out and I couldn't breathe and couldn't move. It was terrifying.

    Only much later did I learn about Night Terrors. Since I left the JWs, I haven't had a repeat of it...

  • MsDucky

    I have Panic Disorder. Anyone who has had low blood sugar (I'm diabetic) knows what it feels like. Anyone who has gone through menopause knows what it feels like. There were times that my heart was racing, I felt like I was choking, I had tremors, and was sweating profusely. I have checked my blood sugar and it was 40. I thought this was kind of ironic because I was at work (I'm a RN) treating a patient for low blood sugar. LOL! It's a wonder that I wasn't in the bed next to her! Anyway, I thought I was having a panic attack.

    Many professionals/doctors have differing views on treatment of Panic Disorder. You should do what is best for you. I have problems taking anti-depressants all forms (tricyclics, SSRI, SSNI, Wellbutrin, Effexor, Paxil, Prozac, etc. ..). They increase my anxiety. I could never get pass a child's dosage. Klonopin works well for me. I have been taking the same dose for years without having to increase it. Sometimes, I decrease the dose depending on how fast my heart is going. It doesn't help that my heart gets tachy (I have an irregular pulse.); so I have to take Lopressor too.

    Years ago, I belonged to an anxiety disorder forum. People would argue for days about the pros and cons of taking medications or that CBT was better.

    Anyway, I'm convinced that I had my first panic attack (off the scale) after receiving Lactated Ringer's during a C-section for the birth of the twins. I, also, had increased anxiety after my husband's hemi-pelvectomy due to cancer. I started having regular attacks after attending the Kingdom Hall. Sitting in a room, crowded with people, listening to someone droning over the microphone was pure hell! I tell you hell! That's when I went to the shrink. Oh, I was going crazy! I thought. Anyway, that's my story and I'm sticking to it.

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