resident mormons: "Big Love"?

by inkling 40 Replies latest jw friends

  • JWdaughter

    I just discovered this show and am kind of surprised at the even handedness the entire drama regarding religion is given. They could really play with stereotypes and I don't think they fall into that trap too much. As annoying as some of the characters are, even Mormons (I used to go to the church) recognize the self-righteous and/or well meaning mormons in it. And as former JWs, we see the triggers and the inborn responses(sometimes acted very well) in them. I am only on season 1 episode 8 now, so I don't know what happens in the show or how they have developed it, but at this point, I am kind of impressed. I don't think the writers (or actors) took the easy way on this one. I am still figuring out how Bill and his wife went back to it(or he did, and she was drug in to it). I am surprised at the complexity of some of the characters, though so far, they haven't given a lot of it to Roman-but, I think every drama needs one truly evil person. So far, he seems to be it. But I can kind of see Bill challenging it and actually trying to wrestle power-if only in protest against Roman. Can't wait to see what happens!

    Crazy thing I see here is how I am totally unsympathetic to the WTS and its brand of nuttiness, but I have much more positive feelings about the LDS (NOT FLDS!). Just not as mean. Just as deluded:)I think the WTS is going to go over the top in becoming farther 'out there' than they already are, or they are going to reign in the extremes and try to blend into society more as the LDS church has. I don't think that staying the course is going to work that great w/o something to look forward to (dates! the end!)

    Episode 8 had Nikki talking to her mom about her finances and her mom was telling her everyone on the compound had the same credit issues, since they had been told "the end" was coming 3 times recently. Apparently, the prophet hadn't been much on his game lately. I think it is funny how they acknowledged and dismissed the issue of false prophecy while calling the man a prophet! Familiar, much?


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