What weird and wonderful Syndromes did the bros and sisters profess to have

by myababes 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • myababes

    When I was in the organisation was in a few different congs. Every one always had a good proportion of them that claimed they had "ME". Not sure what they call it in the States but think Chronic fatigue may be similar.It had an age range between young teenagers and midle aged ones. It seemed to be the in thing to have and the topic of conversation was always the newest cure or teatment for it and these ranged from magnets in the ears to the latest expensive herbal remedy which some other witness happened to be selling.

    I am not saying it doesn't exist but every other bro and sister seemed to develop it. Personally think it was an excuse that they didn't have to keep up the rigorous lifestyle it demands of them and saying they have ME is the best excuse not to do it

  • Mulan

    Yes, CSF was the big one. Was I ever steamed when my doctor diagnosed ME with it. It seems the Epstein-Barr virus (original illness for this one is mononucleosis, which I had in high school) was active again in my body. I had been ill for months, and just couldn't shake it. I was one who always thought those women with CSF were hypochondriacs who self diagnosed.

    One of our CO wives had everything in the book, lupus, hepatitus C, and whatever else was popular, once even MS. Every visit she had something new so couldn't meet for service, but did meet for lunch. The CO was finally asked to leave the work because his wife couldn't do her part. When they left the circuit work, she got a full time job and did great. I used to wonder what her problem was. Now I know. She didn't like service. Hahhahahaha.

  • betweenworlds

    All the above mentioned as well as a seeming tendency towards hypersensitivity to chemicals and perfumes. Had a few sisters in our congregation who had that as well. I personally think a lot of these things happen due to the high stress levels associated with being in a high control group/cult. Can't be very good on the immune system (that and some people are hypochondriacs :) Shelli I'm not sure why my posts are all running together..they look right when I click send. (I'm using firefox...maybe that's it?)

  • BabaYaga

    Hi between worlds... just popping on for some tech assistance, here...

    Yes it is the Firefox, but here's what you do:

    Under the posting field, UNCHECK the box that is checked (the Check here to use HTML formatting box)
    and CHECK the other box which was unchecked...(the Automatic Cr/Lf box)

    that'll do it


  • betweenworlds


    Bless you :) Thanks so much. That was getting quite frustrating!


  • orangefatcat

    One other popular syndromes that exist in alot of witnesses if Fibromyagia. It is one thing to say you have it and quite another to prove it. The process is long and alot of research goes into this conditon. I had to have several tests. and coordenations tests. and 11 of 18 inflamed trigger points. When the Awake magazine came out with this conditon everyone thought they had it. Goes to show you that the power of spoken article leads to so many self diagnosis' among witnesses. ME is similar Epstein Barr, and Mulan mentioned CFS, that was a biggy with the witnesses, every one CFS, in fact at every meeting it wasn't uncommon to hear some say oh I think I have CFS.

    My mom asserted all the above mentioned condtions and added to that was Hept. C and Cancer and mono, it never ended with my mom, and she always got a lot of sympathy from the witnesses. My mom has Interstitial Cystitis. That is true. and she has had 93 surgerys to here her tell it. but they are not sugerys' they are procedures. I know this because I have had the same procedure done to me as this can be a familial conditon. The GYN told me no I don't have it or any indication of it. I know it is painful and it has been recorded that many a women has committed suicide because they are unable to deal with the pain. But all she ever does it complain constantly to anyone in the KH who will listen. I know that most wish my mom would stop going on and on about her illnesses. She is her own bigest enemy and if she just tried to get a hobby outside ot WTS dom she would more that likely think less of her conditon. But she won't hear of it. She would rather complain

    I am highly suspect that most ailments JWs say they have are just in their own minds because t hey don't want to be out in the service all the time or be at the meetings all the time. That is how at least I believe it is. So yes this is my OP.


  • Satans little helper
    Satans little helper

    I had several sisters in the cong who had ME, typical that it was impossible to prove a diagnosis - just fitted the "symptoms" in the absence of anything which could be proven. My mother worked at a doctor's surgery and saw several sisters who were convinced that they had ME because the doctor could not find any more exotic explaination for their common or garden depression.

    I am convinced that the witnesses attract those of a more delicate mental disposition who are prone to hypochondria.

  • willyloman

    We ran into a dub couple recently in a theater. The women was one of those gals who, for as long as we knew her, always had the syndrome du jour. So I inquired after her health, just to steer her away from talking about our fade (which did not even come up). She said that she had finally found a doctor who had correctly diagnosed her problem and said she was allergic to chemicals, perfume, and just about everything else associated with people and crowded environments. This has a name, which she gave to me in the form of initials, but I have forgotten them. I decided not to comment on the irony that she was in a crowd surrounded by people, albeit in a social setting.

    Anyway, I remarked that whatever medication he prescribed must be working because she looked terrific, and I wasn't just being polite. Not only did she look healthy but she seemed very happy and "up" (which was a big change from the last time I saw her, about four years ago when she was was pale and depressed all the time.

    Her response? "I haven't been in a Kingdom Hall in five years."

    I had to pause to contemplate what that might mean. I was about to say, "Well, no wonder you look so happy, not going to the KH clearly agrees with you." Before I could say that, she added: "I just listen on the phone."

    I just smiled and said, "Well, whatever you're doing, keep it up. You look good."

    In retrospect, I kick myself for not saying: "I haven't been to a Kingdom Hall in four years myself, and I have never been so happy, either. I guess that says lot, doesn't it?"

    Maybe next time.

  • loosie

    common one in our area was allergy to scents. No cologne, no deorderant and no hairspray.

    It was really tough when the circuit overseer's wife had it.

  • Maddie

    Main one I heard of was M.E. and all sorts of allergies.


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