Anybody else have birds hit their windows often?

by dinah 21 Replies latest jw friends

  • dinah

    The most beautiful Cardinal just hit the window in our den. He's laying outside stunned, I think. He's breathing, I can't tell if anything is broken. I'd check a little closer but I don't want to get pecked or something. He's just laying there breathing and blinking. That just makes me sick! It happened one day last week too. That little fellow was just stunned and flew away after about 5 minutes.

    What could I put on these windows to stop this from happening all the time?

    Do I sound like a bleeding-heart hysterical woman right about now? LOL

    Edited to say: The little guy just stood up. He's looks disoriented, like wtf?


    Once when I was driving a friend's van I noticed a flock of Canadian geese overhead. Two were dropping lower and lower. I said to my friend, "Look how fast those geese are dropping away from the rest."

    BAM! One of the geese hit the window. I couldn't talk for another 5 miles down the road. It was the strangest thing, they didn't look like they were coming at me when I told her to look.

    I still can't tbelieve it didn't even crack the window. I looked in the rear view and saw it's companion land beside it in the median. it was probably sick when it fell but I felt terrible about actually hitting it. Poor thing.

  • Finally-Free

    I haven't had this problem, but here's something you might try.



    Birds hit the windows here all the time..Laughing Mutley...OUTLAW

  • digderidoo

    I am a window cleaner and i come across bird prints on windows all the time. Sometimes the prints are that intricate you can make out every feather. Must hit them with some force.

  • AudeSapere

    My high school had a glass corridor. Certain times of the year, birds would crash into it all the time. They'd be lying dead on the ground. I hated walking thru there.

    I think the art department started putting up pictures and such but honestly can't remember how that worked. It was a very long time ago.


  • 5go

    Yeah I had a scissor tail hit the windscreen of my car I was sad the rest of the day.

  • Tara

    I never did til a year and a half ago when I moved here. Now they fly into my sliding glass door frequently. I feel bad for them. They really crash into it hard, but so far they have always flown away. I do wonder if they're really ok, or if fly away to die. I am going to look into those decals mentioned in digderidoo's post.

  • Gregor

    Yes and I am sure it is at certain times of day and weather conditions that create a reflection that fools them. BAM! and I look out and see them get up and shake it off. If you've ever walked into a sliding glass door, as I have, it is really a shock.

  • delilah

    Only when I use Wi#*%ex...I use vinegar and newspaper now and haven't had one bird hit my windows...

    Seriously, I get about 1 bird a year that flies right into my's never killed them though, thank goodness.

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