What is the motives of the GB?

by sweet pea 36 Replies latest jw experiences

  • sweet pea
    sweet pea

    OK Guys and Dolls, want your input here.

    A friend of mine has a question......

    "The brothers in Bethel/Headquarters seem very sincere and loving - what possible motive would they have in trying to deceive people, what do they get out of it?"

    Personally my answer would be power, as they do not seem to exactly raking it in but how would you answer?

  • KeepinSane

    Sincere, yes, for the most part...loving??? I'm not too convinced about that one.

    Basically my take on this has always been that they are where all of the "delusion" that exists in the Borg comes from. They themselves "believe", so it's the nature of the beast for them to "protect" their beliefs to keep their followers. It's a self-perpetuating system, so it's hard to break the cycle.

    -Power and control do play into it...they are just not the primary factors here.


  • WTWizard

    The same as any other dictatorship: Power, Prestige, and Pxxxy.

  • hamilcarr

    Hi sweet pea, I think this is a very valid question.

    I remember Ray Franz once saying that he considers himself a victims' victim and I believe there is a lot of truth in it.

    Of course, the question remains: what are their motives and what are they victims of? I think this question is impossible to answer. However, while studying the theories of French sociologist Pierre Bourdieu, I explored the possibility of applying some of his proposals to the JW organisation. One of his key concepts is the "illusio" shared by all players of a certain sociological game. Religion is one instance of such a game. The illusio of this game makes me think of another quote referred to in Ray Franz' Crisis of Conscience:

    The great enemy of the truth is very often not the lie, deliberate, contrived and dishonest, but the myth, persistent, persuasive and unrealistic (JF Kennedy).

    The GB as victims of a myth?


  • Maddie

    If a lie becomes a big enough part of your life, you become convinced it is the truth and then believe it yourself.


  • Confucious

    I know Anthony Morris personally and I have to say he is a pure cares.

    But I think it's exactly what R. Franz said. It's a Crisis of Conscience.

    I think it's kind of more like a mother who's son becomes a criminal. Like all the facts are there that he's a criminal. And he's sitting in jail.

    But the mom is sitting there like "My Son is Innocent."


  • BreakingAway

    What possible motive ? There are many.Freedom from concern.No occupation, no mortgage/rent.Free health care, food, clothing ,travel,etc.Power and Control is a powerful motivator.Being in charge is a big attraction.If your friend wants a scripture that reflects the spirit of the GB today I suggest this one:

    "If we let him go on like this, everyone will believe in him, and then the Romans will come and take away both our place and our nation." John 11:48

    Or how about this one:

    “You men already have your fill, do you? You are rich already, are you? You have begun ruling as kings without us, have you? And I wish indeed that you had begun ruling as kings, that we also might rule with you as kings.”—1 Cor. 4:8

    Just think about it.They have their own little country ! A nation of millions of followers who hang on their every word and view them as modern day kings guided by god that no one dare defy.Like a tyrannical king they hang the threat of execution (disfellowshipping) over the heads of all accused "heretics".What to wear, what to think, what to do with your time, what you can do in your bedroom,what you can have as goals...the list goes on and on.

    In my opinion these are not innocent men.Where is the courage and faithfulness to do what is right ? How long have they had to search the scriptures and their heart ? How much knowledge of abuse do they have ? How much awareness that this really isn't the "truth" with all of it's ever changing ideas ? And yet, they continue to teach others, to influence the very welfare of those who look to them while washing their hands of all responsibility without so much an apology.Instead, there is constant assurance that god is guiding them and that their actions are nothing less than god ordained.To oppose the FDS is to oppose God himself !

    Sincerity is not enough.How many suicide bombers are sincere when they strap on the explosive vest and take out innocent groups of people ? Are they not guilty regardless of how much they believe ? The exploitation of others for personal gain is nothing new.The ultimate reward for such fanatical believers is very much wrapped up in the afterlife.I guess they think it's a job worth killing for.

  • Jenlet

    They want the organization to perpetuate itself.

    Their livelihoods depend on it.

  • digderidoo

    I would go as far as to say it is a power trip. You see many "reaching out" for mini man or elder positions. It would be the same for the GB.

    Power goes to their heads.


  • Bryan

    My opinion is two major motives:

    1. The ego is a power thing. Knowing they have 6 million souls at there disposal I'm sure tickles their ego quite a bit.
    2. They are old, or older at least, what do you think would happen to them if they didn't have the dubs to pay their bills? They have no retirement, paid-off home, nothing.

    Why would they give this all up for absolutly nothing?


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