Did you ever weasel out of an opportunity to witness?

by pmouse 6 Replies latest jw friends

  • pmouse

    I remember being a sophomore in high school and having some sort of discussion about religion in which the JW's and 1975 were brought up.

    I can still remember today how my history teacher snickered and made a snide comment about them forecasting the end of the world so many times before it wasn't funny which of course cracked up the entire class. This was in the early 70's when the 1975 Armageddon date was bandied about.

    I slithered down in my seat totally embarrassed and tried very hard not to be noticed. I weaseled out of my witnessing "opportunity" by keeping my big trap shut. Of course I felt extremely guilty over it and just added it to the growing list of why I wasn't going to make it to the "new order".

    Anyone else had those opportunities where as a believer, you kept quiet when the opportunity to witness arose?

  • Hortensia


  • knock knock
    knock knock

    Virtually every single one of them. Pretty good huh?

  • wings

    every time I had the chance.

  • jaguarbass

    I do remember my grandfather who is now long dead, God rest his soul, telling me back in the late 60's, those wackos your mother has got you hanging out with have been saying the world was going to end since he was a child.

    There was no internet and information was hard to come by. I couldnt process what he told me at the time.

  • Satanus

    Not many. Though i was scared, i placed awake mags w some of the teachers, when there was a pertinant article. I also gave a couple of speeches in classes. One was against evolution. Question period was a cacophony. The needless stress i put myself through. :-(


  • WTWizard

    I was never outspoken about being a witless after about the first year. I intentionally kept quiet about it at work. But I wasn't so quiet about starting to celebrate Christmas (and I even went to places where there was some chance of getting caught buying Christmas decorations to get some of them).

    Additionally, I often snaked on following up placements. I would simply let any calls I did get (which I tried to keep to a minimum by dogging the sermon) go out of date. That way, I would minimize any "Bible(??)" studies I started.

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