I'm getting junk email from MYSELF now???

by Bumble Bee 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • Bumble Bee
    Bumble Bee

    How the hell can that happen?

    Checked my email this morning and there was a message in my inbox from me to me! lol

    Last time I checked, *I* didn't need viagara, and last time I checked memario didn't need any either .

    How do I get an email like this with MY address?


  • brinjen

    I get them too, usually for penis enlargement treatments addressed from me, to me. Then I check the properties of the email, then the real address shows.

  • BinaryThaumaturgy

    It's pretty easy to forge the to/from/reply addresses in any e-mail. Spammers take advantage of that to get mail through some simpler spam filters. To see where the message really came from, look for the "message details" or "Internet headers". They will show you what servers the spammers used to send the offending message. :)

  • brinjen

    Yep, the "from" is just a tag that can be edited, it actually means nothing....

  • DJK

    Thats something I didn't know. Thanks.

  • Hermano

    You really should stop doing that to yourself.

  • Bumble Bee
    Bumble Bee

    Thanks for the explanation guys! I'll check out the properties for the real email addy. Just had never seen that before!

    You really should stop doing that to yourself.

    I know Hermano, I mean if I was going to do that it should be for someting I could use, like breast augmentation or something. Oh wait, I don't need that either! BB

  • JK666


    Spamming yourself can get real messy, but it is kind of kinky!



  • TopHat

    It is a web bot..if you belong to www.facebook.com or www.ringo.com somehow it gets into your e mail address book and contacts all of your friends and you. That has happened to me and my friends. I deleted myself from those web sites.

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    Be prepared for an unending stream of lawsuits from yourself against yourself for harassment and other nuisance charges. You'll need lots of insurance to defend yourself but you may be able to save some money by hiring twin attorneys.

    Good luck!

    (this was meant as a gag)

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