My Totally Attention Seeking Post

by Princess Daisy Boo 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • Princess Daisy Boo
    Princess Daisy Boo

    OK - I am bored and brain dead today and generally feeling a bit blegh... say some ugly or say something nice - just say something to entertain me!!!

    Princess DB (being uncharacteristically bratty)

  • Vivamus

    LET Meeheee Entertain YOU !

    *of to lala land myself now *

  • saywhat29

    Princess Daisy Boo,

    Thanks for the CRABS! God I hate you!

    No Love,

    sw29's irritated crotch!

  • AlmostAtheist

    If you mix cornstarch and water, you can make a goo that pours like a liquid, but turns into a solid when you squish it. So you can roll it into a ball, but when you quit rolling it, it turns back into goo. Freaky stuff! Makes a mess, but it's easy to clean up.

    And if THAT doesn't entertain you, then I give up!


  • Princess Daisy Boo
    Princess Daisy Boo

    "Hey - I didn't say you can have my crabs - give them back now!!!" says Princess DB, stomping her foot

  • JK666

    I always liked the expression "Crabs don't lie." If someone gives you them, they have been somewhere they shouldn't have been.


  • RollerDave

    And why not?

    Who doesn't want attention?

    So how ya been lately?

    This is some weather we're having on the board, sporadic storms with a chance of threadlocking.

    I bought some threadlocker, but it was for the screws on my wheelchair.

    Seems to do the trick tho.

    Do you have too much blood in your caffiene system?

    I know I do, but I can't seem to get this IV coffee drip working right.

    Well, it's gonna be a sucky day for ol' Uncle Roller, loads of tasks, and crummy lighting today.

    Maybe you'll get a chuckle.


  • BFD

    I got eaten by werecats last night and my lover died from a broken heart and then the vengeful one killed snakesinthetower for his role in the lynching of twitch because he thought snakesinthetower was either a werewolf or werecat but I thought twitch was a werecat because the previous night I had a vision but because I was only a novice seer my visions are only correct 80% of the time and even though I viewed twitch as a villager I led the charge to lynch twitch and finally got enough votes to lynch him but just before time limit was up A&W convinced llbh to switch his vote to lynch snakesinthetower but then I pointed out that we now had a split vote so llbh changed his vote back to Twitch and Twitch got lynched and we found out he was not a were-thing but he was a villager......

    How's that for a run on sentence? If your bored silly, go read the Werewolf thread for more exciting action.


  • Princess Daisy Boo
    Princess Daisy Boo

    JK: No, u got it wrong - my hips dont lie (and neither do Shakira's) - my Crabs - they compulsive liers!

    AA - is cornstarch the same as cornflour - because I have a tin of that in my pantry?

    RD - I think you got it in one ! You're my hero!

    Anyways what is up with this board - who needs Days of Our Lives - this place is a regular soap opera - I have been popping in sporadically whilst at work and haven't had time to figure out what exactly went down - I need a synopsis!

  • momzcrazy

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