apostates at assemblys

by looloo 45 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • Beta Male
    Beta Male

    i always thought having a long line of protesters silently holding hands would be much more effective and unnerving that bullhorns and signs,

    let alone some dork in a satan costume running around yelling at people

  • monophonic

    i live in an urban area, and teh last assembly i went to i yelled for them to shut the f^$k up b/c they had their bullhorns and were just being annoying (to the utter shock of the elders silently surrounding them)....even though i probably agreed more with what they were saying, people who are obnoxious, and i include canvassers with clipboards who follow you after you say no.

    so, i'll tell someone who's homeless and agressively panhandling me to f&%k off....they're all pretty much the same.

    i get that tony soprano look and tell them, 'what did i just fu*#ing tell you, would you like to escalate this?' that's especially fun for agressive canvassers who usually don't have a clue of the politics they're really supporting, but get a dollar per signature or something.

    gulp, back to my post. there are better ways, classier ways...to get the word out there about the wtbts.

    i applaud all who have written books, put information on websites, and those who started this forum.

    maybe a good question would be, did anyone ever leave the borg b/c they heard through a bullhorn how bad it was?

    when i was a kid and completely bought into the borg b/c of my parents and teh propaganda, so-called apostates scared me and they did nothing to make me feel okay with them by yelling. think about the kids, scaring them will leave memories of ill will and probably keep them with the borg if they don't have the ability to think for themselves.....give them candy, offer them rides in your car, tell them you're a friend of their mothers.

    (way kidding on those last few suggestions.)

  • Alex Delta
    Alex Delta

    A how cool would it be if we could come up with a picture and name system where an apostate can use it at a hall. So what we do is set up a network of apostates with a picture w/ the name of one of the loved ones that is considering on leaving and have them really hit the home run message with a dirrect hit. That form of approach would surely be a head turner. Let's see, it has to be short sweet and to the point, how about "George Stevens your living a lye" Or "Jim Olson your life is being stolen from you" Or "Sandy Smith we know what you did last summer"

  • oompa

    I also thought what a bunch of nutjobs.....even if you disagree...why would you want to waste your time doing this? Door to door was frikkin hard enough!!!!!!!!.....................................oompa

  • kazar

    I saw an ad in a newspaper about an an ex-JW meeting about 15 years ago where I met the organizer of this event and we became good friends. I have since lost contact with her. I had been fading from the WT but in my heart I still believed it. There were about 15 people at the meeting and were denouncing the WT, my friend being the chief spokesman. I did not know they were apostates. My friend had been df'd for daring to challenge the denials of an elder who had molested her underage daughter. She was df'd because according to the Committee she suffered from "independent thinking".

    The subject at the meeting was about child molestation in the WT organization. I was appalled at what I heard--and confused. I never believed anything like that could happen in "God's Organization". My friend was in a court litigation battle with the Watchtower and the elder individually who had molested her underage daughter. My friend would protest outside of the Kingdom Halls with signs and contact the newspapers as to why she was doing this. It was a lot of publicity. . She went so far as to go back to the many houses where she had converted those to the JW's to tell them it was all bulls----. She and I became very good friends.

    My friend was a very gutsy woman. Before she became a JW she used to rescue abused animals: Monkeys from Johns Hopkins where they experiment on them, and horses used for the hucksters here in Baltimore. The horses were sick and mangy looking as they pulled their wagons around the city in hot summertime. My friend's husband was shot to death and killed during one of the horse rescues. So it didn't surprise me in the least that she took on the Watchtower with signs and newspapers and court. I had the utmost respect for her even though at the time I still wasn't free from Watchtower thinking....and as many have already posted on this thread, it was the internet that freed me. Specifically this site. I hope my friend has internet access and one day we will find each other again. She would be elated to know how far from the WT I have come.

  • darkuncle29

    I've bantered the idea around before that maybe just having a nice talegate party would be a good anti-witness. No signs, no megaphones, no in your face behavior. They'd have to look and see what was going on. Just smile and wave.

    It would show that we've walked away and are fine, not all amped up, and are living.

  • darkuncle29

    Imagine: you go to the District Convention, dressed as a witness, your kids in tow, carrying your meeting bags, badge card on, and you WALK OVER AND TALK to the apostate, then shake his hand, sit down on the wall around the potted tree and listen to him attentively...

    Man, I bet you could start some hubbub that way!!

    I kinda like this. I believe that different methods should be used, as that will appeal to different people.

  • darkuncle29

    Here's an idea. Come back from lunch, and have kids or anybody really with balloons. All one color. Not thousands or overwhelming, but enough to be noticed. Then at the end of the day, the apostates out side have balloons too, a bunch of them of the same color. You could also have the people with balloons, as they leave, they give them to the apostates and create a balloon bouquet.

    Its kinda childish, but it would also get there attention.

  • lrkr

    Are you ready for this....

    Seeing apostates was a facet of convincing myself that I really did have the truth. After all- only the faithful and discreet slave would be persecuted by an evil slave. Catholics who don't believe just don't show up- they dont show up with signs screaming and yelling. Plus, it allowed me to see "them" as a single, monolithic group- "The Apostates". (This is something WT does a good job at- demonizing "Apostates" as a class and convincing everyone that they are a single, uniform, united group)

    So.... you could say that the apostates at assemblies had the opposite of the intended effect- for me. (Thank goodness Al Gore invented the internet.)

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    i would like to know who is an apostate and is going to the assembly (cause of there family) to sit there all day...

    I'm stuck (for now) also...

    Yeah, I'm stuck for now. But who has to sit? I scan the program for what I want to critique, then go back to the car, walk the halls, take a nap, or read something.

    It's fun to do other naughty things like eat during the session and distract others. And it's amusing to let go a few "silent but deadly" emissions.

    This year, I think I'll bring a memorable lunch, something smelly like sardines in mustard, with onions, and crackers that will leave enough crumbs for mention in next year's KM instructions... "Brothers, please do not bring large coolers, glass containers, or sardines and onions on crackers."

    As for apostate activity at a convention, I guess I'm aspiring to be, not just a bad example of an elder, but the worst example of a JW.

    p.s.: I wish I was a sister and could dress entirely inappropriately. I wonder if anybody sells a backless men's suit, or maybe I'll forget to wear a shirt with my suit and tie.

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