I think I just became an unbaptized bible study student apostate

by AddaGirl 23 Replies latest jw friends

  • worldtraveller

    I believe the term "bad ass-ociate" applies here.

    I want to ask all who do a study to study a question I have asked my witness associate as well as people in other faiths this

    According to the Witnesses and others that 1) all life came from Adam and Eve , and 2) there is no such thing as evolution.

    Now ask the study just how Black Africans came to be in Africa, and how did the Aids virus show up in the 70's?

    Either the bible is grossly incorrect in the first question, and God must be a twisted hateful person to create a virus to randomly kill people.

    So far no one has given me a satisfactory answer. One simply stated that dna can mutate. But that is evolution and that cannot happen.

  • Eyes Open
    Eyes Open

    Nice, AddaGirl. Perhaps you could also ask them...

    • why it was that God's chosen channel of communication to the world didn't see Jesus come in 1914 , but, instead, retro-fitted events to scripture way after the "event". ("The Scriptural proof is that the second presence of the Lord Jesus Christ began in 1874 A.D." - Prophecy (1929), J. F. Rutherford, p. 65.)
    • why their application of the day for a year principle (which is derived from a completely separate prophecy regarding the siege of Jerusalem) is not consistent, even within the book of Daniel (see the incredibly vague interpretation of the three and a half times on pages 295 and 296 of Pay Attention to Daniel's Prophecy!);
    • why it is that 4QPrNab shows the theme of the story was derived from a tradition of Nabonidus, not Nebuchadnezzar;
    • why a keystone doctrine of their eschatology is extracted from the mangler through which they force a pseudonomous book (see Daniel (Hermeneia: A Critical and Historical Commentary on the Bible) to find out just why they felt the need to write a whole chapter (two) to defend the book) which is included in the Writings, rather than the prophets, of the Jewish canon;
    • if they've ever heard of someone called Antiochus Epiphanes IV.
  • unique1

    Impressive. Hope you got one or two to really think about it.

    WELCOME to the board by the way.

  • betterdaze

    Welcome, AddaGirl! I like your style.

    ~Sue (of the UBSSA class, too)

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