NEW article on Oral Sex?!

by MominAustin 19 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • V

    The full text of the article is here with comments:

    Watchtower Comments (Dec 3-9 ORAL SEX)

  • frankiespeakin


    He said that his sister, out of the blue, brought up the recent Watchtower study article discussing oral sex. She was quite vehement against the article and said to the effect, that it took all her joy out of sex.

    Good for this sister, she speaks the truth. Most women that I have had Forbidden Unlawful Carnal Knowledge with,,, value oral sex highly and would be very disappointed if it were missing in foreplay, and many complain they don't get enough from there steady parner.

  • TheDoctor

    According to my wife who is still active, there was an article within the last couple months concerning oral/anal sex. To my understanding, its back to "If you do it, dont tell".

  • wifekeepsmeinit

    Seems it changes on a regular basis, because we were counseled on it just recently. Their reasoning according to "The Counselor" in our congo is that Sodom and Gommorah was destroyed because "men were laying men" (nevermind everything else) and what do men lying with men do "oral sex". So that must mean that oral sex is bad. Even though If I remember right Songs of Sol. Chapter 2 talks about oral sex and how good it is. Strange?

  • seawolf

    God, am I glad I'm not going to the hall anymore and having to listen to these boring, mind-numbing talks on sex.

  • still_in74
    Their reasoning according to "The Counselor" in our congo is that Sodom and Gommorah was destroyed because "men were laying men" (nevermind everything else) and what do men lying with men do "oral sex". So that must mean that oral sex is bad.

    this type of reasoning is the typical M.O. of the WTS - but in this case its a stretch to say the least.

    I saw a gay couple kissing once and holding hands.... is this wrong for straight married couples too? Of course not, but you cant apply this reasoning to one and not the other.
    Otherwise you are again into a matter of opinion as to what is acceptable and what is not. ALSO... by way of this logic, oral sex is acceptable between lesbians.

    What I find interesting is that the WTS has the R&F so trained that they dont need to make these statements anymore, they let the diehards do it for them. Then when they flip flop they can say that they "never actually said that".

  • 5go

    Phew! At least mutual masturbation is OK still.

  • wifekeepsmeinit
    Phew! At least mutual masturbation is OK still.

    What? Hold on a minute. But what about those unpure thoughts were not supposed to have? And the WT Rag says were not allowed.

    Watchtower May 15 1970, p. 315 Avoiding the Snare of Homosexuality

    (see also Watchtower October 1 1970, p. 604)

    Helpful in this regard, then, is appreciating the fact that autoeroticism or masturbation is no mere innocent pastime but rather a practice that can lead to homosexual acts. How so? In that self-induced masturbation may make it easier and more tempting for one to engage in mutual masturbation, which is a form of homosexuality. Sincerely striving against this practice will go far to protect a youth.

    I think I've made my point!!!

    Don't you love OPINIONS, how there's no scriptures to back it up.

    This part is completely off topic - BS is tonite, once again I havent studied ahead of time, but I sure can't wait until the New "WT Comments you wont hear" comes out (for next Sunday) because it has so many opinions in it, that it will be completely torn apart.

  • TheDoctor

    LMAO...ive never seen that! Im so glad that i was protected from the trap of mutual masturbation...

  • 5go
    (see also Watchtower October 1 1970, p. 604)

    Sorry that is pre 1975 that's old light.

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