To Hire a JW Could Mean ...

by compound complex 35 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • R6Laser

    I agree Burger Time, almost everyone here paints the picture of every single JW being a bad employee, a janitor or window cleaner, bad tipper, selfish and so on. When I was still attending there where some that indeed had bad habits such as these, but not all of them. The title of this thread can easily be 'To hire -Anybody- Could Mean' because all these bad traits happen in all businesses regardless of religious affiliation. **Also edited to add that I personally know of close friends that are still JWs with nursing degrees who work at hospitals and they would never give any information to the elders.

  • Burger Time
    Burger Time

    wha happend? This is what happens when anyone in a small group or family hires someone in that small group or family. They want special treatment. This is exactly what happens with most family businesses the family members feel entitled. Same thing with JW's hiring JW's or Mormons hiring Mormons. Your telling me out of 6,000,000 JW's that there aren't thousands upon thousands of good workers? Bull! Just because you hired over "50" JW's and I am sure EVERY SINGLE ONE TURNED OUT BAD, doesn't mean all of them are bad or even the majority are.

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Dear Laser and Burger,

    Thank you for your input and for the reminder not to paint with broad strokes. Our personal experiences, those of friends and those offered on the net are no excuse to be unfair or overly critical. I have known many honest and guileless JWs.

    I was overwhelmed by this information yet, perhaps, could have presented it more diplomatically. I have always been known for my tact - I guess it's slipping ...

    My apologies,


  • BluesBrother

    I agree that the site is very slanted and gives a worse impression of J W's as workers

    Starting in the latter 1920s, Judge Rutherford began training his Jehovah's Witnesses membership to fight in their local courts anyone and everyone who dared oppose the work of the Jehovah's Witnesses.

    That was 80 years ago! times have changed. I have never heard any suggestion that they are more likely than anyone else to run to court. Around here, I think that they are more likely to "turn the other cheek" , although there will always be individuals, of course. One thing that always irritated me as a dub, was the belief that all Witnesses were "better" workers that the workshy worldlings. That is all part of the myth they tell themselves about how bad the world is.

    On the other hand, I have never been an employer, or even a manager to hire somebody - but when I have engaged builders to do work, I have rarely been pleased with what were then my "brothers".. Only one exception who I used a few times.. Worldly firms seemed to be more businesslike and got on with it..

  • LongHairGal

    I have to agree with Wizard's comments.

    It is true that they can cause an employer to be sued because they reveal confidential information. For example, they can work in a hospital or clinic and have access to confidential records and may come across information that another member of the religion had an abortion or a blood transfusion, etc.. They take this information and go report it to the elders and start World War III. They are led to believe they should do this. The whole mindset of the religion is spying and reporting on your so-called brothers.

    They have no qualms or concerns about the disaster they leave in their wake. Do you think they are concerned they will cause a liability to some employer? Not in the least! I believe part of the problem is because too many individuals in the religion are irresponsible and are not mainstream citizens who go to and from a job regularly. Some of them are semi-employed and bounce around and leech the rest of the time. Add to this the fact that these people are semi-educated and the only things they read are the religion's literature.

    Because of this ignorant state that so many of them are in, they have no regard for consequences of their actions to the rest of society.


  • 5go
    I agree with everything here and the JW people I know that are hard working, leave the JW stuff at home and do what needs to be done in order to survive. Oh and by the way, they are the more educated ones, who actually went to college and educated themselves regardless.

    The best ones to hire are the ones that don't want people to know they are Dubs because they tend to do the work and try to be normal when working. They also tend to try harder to live up to the impossible JW work standards too. They also won't report things to the elders either. Though I agree I would not hire an active non double life living JW. They are looking for something to sue, or turn you in for.

  • Burger Time
    Burger Time

    5go what proof do you have? Where are the stats and facts to back up such claims? To try to say that dubs are more likely to sue you need to give some figures. By most of the posters claims on this thread you could say the majority of black people are lazy and just looking to sue employees over discrimination, in fact I'll bet more black non JW's sue their employers then JW's. Does this mean that blacks are bad employees?

    longhairgal Like 5go where are your facts? Again a lot of posters are taking a Ray Franz reference and creating their own figures to go along with it. Dubs are probably just as likely to tell someone about a condition as anyone working in a hospital that finds out about a friend. All I am saying is if you guys are going to make claims that dubs are these horrible employees who steal, sue and give out confidential info you need to back it up with stats.

    Again it's just those who want to take advantage of the system. It has nothing to do with Race, Age, Religion or Sex. Just greed, I would venture to say that dubs in general are LESS likely to sue their employer. The only case I had ever heard of where a dub sued and got tons of money was the whole AT&T thing where AT&T was clearly at fault and lost.

  • Wordly Andre
    Wordly Andre

    I do not agree with the fact that JW employees are honest and do not steal, we had 3 major thefts at my company, one was an elder, another was just a regular baptized JW stole a piano, last one who was the son of "anoited" parents stole checks from the company. Honestly I don't trust JW's AT ALL!!! Why? because they are the worse kind of offenders, they rely on people thinking that JW's wouldn't do anything wrong and gain trust then abuse that trust. Then they think they can come to court with other JW's to prove what great guys they are and try and Witness to you in the court hall way FUCKERS!!!

  • LongHairGal


    I don't need a pile of statistics and I am not going by anybody else's experiences. I have my own observations which are enough for me. I can't elaborate on what shocking instances of stealing I know about.

    With regard to keeping confidentiality, I have worked with good ones and bad ones on a job and I stand by my comment about their ignorance being a real problem. I never said they 'all' sue, steal or give out confidential information. But, unfortunately, their loyalty is to the religion and the organization. That, to me, is undesirable.


  • Burger Time
    Burger Time

    longhairgal you never say key words like some or the cases I have known you simply say "they" in ambiguity as if this is what 90% of JW's do. The problem is you do need stats to back up claims. This is what justifies you saying it. Again are you willing to paint blacks, Hispanics or Asians with the same stroke? If someone came on this board claiming the majority of minority employees were horrible employees would you be supporting them?

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