Newbies Exiting the Witnesses - How Do You Feel ? Steve Hassan Explains

by flipper 43 Replies latest jw friends

  • oompa

    I still feel so very very conflicted. I have this great weight off my shoulders and dont miss the meetings or service for sure, by main problem is wife has no intention of waking up. We still love each other, but it not the same. All my family and friends are in, and I could so easliy move on, but feel chained to my least until/if she wakes up. I dont like thinking down the road what our life will be like if we stay the same.....................I am pretty much treated like a leper............................................oompa.................hard making friends without including her, because she is then so suspicious and does not understand, and wants no WORLDLY friends

  • oompa

    I still feel so very very conflicted. I have this great weight off my shoulders and dont miss the meetings or service for sure, by main problem is wife has no intention of waking up. We still love each other, but it not the same. All my family and friends are in, and I could so easliy move on, but feel chained to my least until/if she wakes up. I dont like thinking down the road what our life will be like if we stay the same.....................I am pretty much treated like a leper............................................oompa.................hard making friends without including her, because she is then so suspicious and does not understand, and wants no WORLDLY friends

  • flipper

    Thanks for your replies - great replies , by the way - all of you, thanks ! I appreciate every one of you!

    COGNAC- I feel for you sis ! We all felt this way after first exiting the witnesses. Be kind and patient with yourself - don't be too hard on yourself. You have just left a " mind control cult ". Anybody can be fooled by tricky cults - most of us were to. It will take time to clear the fog out of your brain. Give yourself that time to read, educate and inform yourself about the organization .

    DINAH- I think this book will really help you Dinah . It helped me immensely to see how the witnesses controlled my mind . I agree we should be a mentor or resource for new ones getting out of the witnesses. I feel I wasted a good part of my 44 years in the witness cult too. But I did take some positives away which I use in my current life now. It's something you will find out when you read the book. Peace to you friend.

    JOURNEY-ON- Very true. With time and love and care from good people like you on this board , Cognac will heal and learn to fly again.

    DAWG- Thanks for the kind words Dawg ! My wife and I love you too, bro ! I love your courage and willingness to help people too ! Keep the good work up guy. I know you went through hell and suffering as well getting out of the cult. It makes you more empathetic with people. I agree that the Watchtower society is slowly crumbling from within. Like you, I'm gonna do everything in my power to get my crowbar out and chip away at the foundation of the Watchtower society- brick by brick ! Good luck guy.

    R. CRUSOE- I really feel for you my friend. I too lost 2 daughters 21 and 19 to the witness cult. My son, 23, is not in it and got out, thank Gawd ! But it hurts when your ex-wife turns the kids against you. I was married 19 years to my kids witness mother - and even though it's been 10 years since the divorce- she still tries to malign me to my daughters.

    But I'm taking positive steps now to try and get my older daughter out of the cult with help from Steve Hassan's book. I hope some day you can get closer to your 4 children R. Crusoe . You have my empathy friend, been there done that.

    THE DOCTOR- I was raised in the witnesses too, I feel for you bro ! I'm glad you are going to college. Great ! It will teach you critical thinking skills which will help you lose the witness cults control on you. That's a promise. Good luck man !

    WILDFELL- I agree with you . I wish I had read the " Cult Mind Control" book after first exiting the witnesses. I left 4 years ago. It is a normal reaction to have anger and grieve on being conned. I know you disagree with Hassan's view that anything , " positive came from being in the cult. " You might understand what he means more - by the time you finish reading the book. He is not condoning the cults involvement in your life or commending them. Just certain different points he brings out.

    OOMPA- I feel for you friend. It is a hard situation you find yourself in - a conflict of interest of sorts. Have you talked with someone on the board in a similar situation ? That could help you . OTWO could help you - he knows. Perhaps you could go do non-witness things with your wife and get her to thinking out of the boxed cult mentality for a weekend - take her somewhere away from the cult . Then talk about anything- non witness. Those are just some thoughts. You can always call me too- be glad to talk with you. Peace my friend

  • sooner7nc

    Most of the posts I've made since joining this board have been of the lighthearted, make a joke variety. Not this one. I just got through reading the thread started by TJ cleared2land "circuit breaker" and now this one. Maybe I'm just feeling weird today I don't know but I'm so F'ing mad. All I can feel is rage Ive got tears in my eyes right now. I want to hurt those MFers. Why couldnt the terrorists in 01 have flown all those jets into the WT buildings at least something good would have happened.

    This sucks. I in hindsight realize that I haven't beleived this shit in years, but I'm still haunted by it.

    I guess that's how I feel, haunted and angry. I was going to erase what I wrote above, but can't bring myself to, I think I need to say it, or at least write it. Thanks flipper and all the rest on this site for saving me.


  • flipper

    SOONER 7 C- I am so glad you did post your feelings. It is good to get your frustration with what you went through out verbally. It helps . I know how much you hurt , and the anger, been there done that. I recommend you read some good books to help you understand more fully what you went through. " Crisis of Conscience " by Ray Franz & " Combatting Cult Mind Control ", by Steve Hassan . It will help you understand things better. If you ever want to talk, I'd be happy to talk. Just Pm me

  • sooner7nc

    (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((mr. flipper))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    Thanks my brother,

    I've read COC, it made me channel the anger. I'm gonna buy the Hassan book when I get a chance, and beleive me, I will be PMing you to talk.

    I'm smiling now


  • flipper

    SOONER 7C- You got it bro ! Contact me anytime ! Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • dawg

    Damn sooner7, I'm glad my dawgs didn't play those sooners now that I see your rage.... we'd of surely got our asses whipped....

  • dinah

    Hey Dawg,

    Bama plays Georgia next year.

  • dawg

    Need I remind you my loving sister the score in this years game??????? Need I?????

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