Should law enforcement agencies stop using tasers?

by Gopher 49 Replies latest social current

  • hillbilly

    Anyway those with the raised in the cub scout or boy scout types of mentality, I like to give them a little piece of my mind, if they stop me for petty shit, make them think a little outside thier box. My dealing with the law have been less in the last couple of years, but it may increase in the future, depending on my source of income.

    So...what do you do for side work? Hitman, pimp or drug dealer? You sound a little bitter for a guy who just does not like to wear a seatbelt.

    Most people getting stopped for "petty shit" are out of place for the neighborhood or appear similar to a suspect. Cops are trained to be snoopy... it's their investigatve nature. Most have a sense of what is out of place in the areas they work.


  • Homerovah the Almighty
    Homerovah the Almighty

    Did anyone have a look at that you-tube video that I posted and if anyone did what did you think ?

    Sorry Gopher for hijacking your thread but I think this has some relevance to the topic

  • BurnTheShips
    I usually start off my conversation with the officer who stopped me with a somewhat annoyed tone and ask: "What's the problem?"

    That right there has gotten me hadncuffed and tossed into the clink more than once on BS. And I was a clean cut good looking little pioneer boy! I was in my early 20s but where I used to live, Miami, the cops are worse than the crooks. All I would have was a suspended license for an unpaid ticket (broke pioneer boy). Power trippers. The best thing to do is hand over your DL, registration, and proof of insurance over AND KEEP YOUR DAMN MOUTH SHUT. If they ask you stuff like "where are you going" etc, tell them politely that you do not want to discuss you personal business with them. I think this is even better:

    I am always polite. Now that I am armed I also hand over my CCW permit and let them know about the location of my firearm. Legally I do not have to but it lets them know I am on the up and up. The police state continues to grow with the multiplication of laws. DUI Nazism, drug laws that keep our jails packed with perpertrators of "crimes" that have NO victims, all these things give the cops license to wreck your life.

    Here is a favorite Ayn Rand quote of mine:

    "'Did you really think that we want those laws to be observed?' said Dr. Ferris. 'We want them broken. You'd better get it straight that it's not a bunch of boy scouts you're up against - then you'll know that this is not the age for beautiful gestures. We're after power and we mean it. You fellows were pikers, but we know the real trick, and you'd better get wise to it.

    There's no way to rule innocent men.

    The only power any government has is the power to crack down on criminals. Well, when there aren't enough criminals, one makes them. One declares so many things to be a crime that it becomes impossible for men to live without breaking laws. Who wants a nation of law-abiding citizens? What's there in that for anyone? But just pass the kind of laws that can neither be observed nor enforced nor objectively interpreted - and you create a nation of law-breakers - and then you cash in on guilt. Now, that's the system, Mr. Rearden, that's the game, and once you understand it, you'll be much easier to deal with.'"

    Burn, of the hates the abuse of authority class.

  • Brother Apostate
    Brother Apostate
    Did anyone have a look at that you-tube video that I posted and if anyone did what did you think ?

    They were only trying to help, as in: "we're from the govmint, and we're here to help you".

    Ba- Unbelievable.

  • hillbilly

    I saw an aggitated man.... Actually, he looked pretty out of control to me. First with the table..then busting thoe laptop. Was he arguing with the woman? Or was he being loud with her?

    I saw police do what they are trained to do. They moved behind something that blocks the video, but the man must of made a move that the police felt they needed to address with force. I dont really know if he was backing down or not. Plus ..just because a person backs down is not a guarantee they will stay calm as they are taken into custody.

    Pre-tasar those offficers would have taken him to the ground. As stressed as that guy was a scuffle could have tapped him out .

    If a couple of guys jumped him and took him down ...and he died anyway would the situation be any better?

    What would you have done? How do you read that situation?

    (BTW..I am not illiterate..this cheap keyboard has no feel to it and skips letters... )


  • BurnTheShips

    This is unbelievable

    Police intimidation, and all he is doing is asking for a complaint form (this is S Florida BTW):

    You simply MUST watch the video (Part I and II) on the right. There is another recent example of a guy that kept a video cam in his car but I have to look for it.


  • Homerovah the Almighty
    Homerovah the Almighty

    Yes totally ridiculous in why 4 police officers had to tazer a single man who was backing down away from the situation

    there was allot people here in Vancouver and across the country that were pissed off with this

  • Brother Apostate
    Brother Apostate


    Well put. I couldn't have said it any better. The plan seems to be to create an unneccesarily large, and ever-growing law enforcement, judicial, and penal / "corrections" system. Make new laws that ever increase what is "illegal", so that the corrupt system can justify arresting what previously would have been considered law-abiding citizens. This allows the justification to raise taxes, to pay for more cops, judges, bailiffs, stenographers, corrections officers, and the buildings that must "neccessarily" be built off taxpayers backs. And lets not forget the "need" for more lawyers (liars) to "defend" and prosecute the "gulty" (anyone who resists the police state). Not to mention prison construction contractors, cooks, maintenance workers, etc, etc, etc. Heck, it's "good for the economy", lol. Now we're "safer", with all those "criminals" behind bars.

    BA- End of rant.

  • hillbilly

    agreed Brother A...

    The war on drugs? Make em legal then tax the hell out of them.

    Hoes? Put em to work and tax the hell out of them.

    Hookers and Drug dealers take up a great deal of any city cops patrol time... and they tie up the courts at great expense.

    That would take the stress of the penal system and free up beat cops to shake door knobs and chase robbers and muggers.


    Traffic laws need to be enforced too...even if they are a revenue source for your local government

  • dinah

    Better yet, hillbilly. Get the dealers instead of tying up the courts with petty possession charges. The only reason they don't get the dealers is because the dealers sometimes pay them off. No one can convince me otherwise. How else can everyone in a community know someone is a dealer but nothing is ever done.

    Drunk driving is another issue. The legal limit here is .08. With my body size I would be close to that from one beer. There is a difference in someone getting behind the wheel after two drinks and getting behind the wheel after 7 or 8. Field sobriety tests should be given some weight when the alcohol level is that low. Of course when I got my DUI 14 years ago, I was 1.8 or it may have been even higher. I deserved it.

    We are becoming a police state. The police here look for any reason at all to pull you over. My husband has been stopped coming home from work at 2 a.m. just so they could ask him why he was out at that time of the night. Of course they ran his license to check for warrants and all that.

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