Should law enforcement agencies stop using tasers?

by Gopher 49 Replies latest social current

  • Homerovah the Almighty
    Homerovah the Almighty

    To follow on Hillbilly's comment..

    There are really are a lot of other tools that police can use on aggressive people such as batons , mace , arm to arm tactics and so on and of course guns.

    So is there really a need for tasers ?

    Of course probably the easiest thing to do stand back 10 feet and shoot the individual with a taser and wait until the person drops to the ground , the officer doesn't have to break

    a sweat in doing so.

    The only problem with this tactic is will this kill the person or will this just put the person under control ?

    Most people it will not kill and the arrest can follow through , but its a big if and a big chance both for the person being arrested and the officer performing the arrest.

  • Gopher

    The young man who died after this week's traffic incident must have been very upset due to this crash in rush-hour traffic, and anxious because he knew his parents were waiting for him on the other end.

    I can't figure out what led to the use of the Taser in this incident. There were 5 officers on the scene, according to this news report. You would think that somehow 5 officers could control the situation without use of lethal force. I don't know for sure, but it seems like that.

    I just Googled some recent news items under "Taser", and both in Florida and in Maryland, similar incidents have occurred and there have been calls there for an investigation into the safety of the weapon and the circumstances in which Tasers are used.

    I think these related incidents are more than just coincidence, and the American public and the police too need to know more information about the efficacy and usage of these weapons.

  • Abandoned
    Are Taser guns proven safe? What is the risk-to-benefit ratio to society? Should there be a moratorium on Taser usage until further study is done?

    I think they should put a moratorium on their use for the time being. We got along before they existed just fine and we'll get along just fine while we figure out a safe way to implement their use.

  • Homerovah the Almighty
    Homerovah the Almighty

    Here is a You-tube video of the man that got tazered and died at the Vancouver airport, a very sad situation once viewing the video

    Here is also a news cast regarding the event as it was broadcast in Vancouver the following day

  • BurnTheShips
    Your asking a guy who thinks police should disarmed totally. If the citizens can't trusted with something then the police shouldn't have it either. The police should be living in fear of the people not vice versa.

    I think I have stepped through the looking glass. I think I might be agreeing with 5G0!!

  • BurnTheShips
    I think BTS comment about America being in an akward phase is interesting?

    It was Claire Wolf that said it:

    "America is at that awkward stage. It's too late to work within the system, but too early to shoot the bastards."

  • frankiespeakin

    I'm of the feeling I don't bother you, you don't bother me. If a police officer stops me, I act with reasonable respect, but I don't take any shit from them, I usually start off my conversation with the officer who stopped me with a somewhat annoyed tone and ask: "What's the problem?" If it is something petty like I'm not wearing a seat belt I tell them they are being petty, and being used by the used by the state/city to fleece the public with a $30 fine. I find being more on the offensive while dealing with the police gives them second thoughts about violating any of your rights, as they say "the squeeky wheel gets the oil". All in all I have good relations "officers of the law" many I have met, have bent the laws a little when dealing with me.

    I have a good understanding of what my civil liberties are, and when they are being violated by law enforcement, I will do everything in my power to protect them.

    I have been followed many times by the police, and what ususally works for me is just lips sinking the words while being tailed and in view of the offiers "Don't mess with me motherfucker because I will ruin your fucking day." Usually that works and they stop the tailing, and go find someone else who's registration has expired or someone not wearing a seat belt. And if I decide to get out of my car when they stop me, and they tell me to stay in my car, I usually don't comply, unless I see a good reason to, and tell them: "No, I'm fine right here. What's your problem?"

    Anyway those with the raised in the cub scout or boy scout types of mentality, I like to give them a little piece of my mind, if they stop me for petty shit, make them think a little outside thier box. My dealing with the law have been less in the last couple of years, but it may increase in the future, depending on my source of income.

  • hillbilly

    Homerhova..between me, you and the gatepost.

    Tasars are probably not needed. I suspect that some pretty good tasar salesmen and a few federal grant dollars got the tasar ball rolling in the US. A good man with a baton can make most folks "compliant" without striking them. But then people are getting stupid and out of control. I mean, who would argue with a man who packs a gun?

    As stated before... lot's of Non-lethal force has killed people. It's a risk one takes whenever the choice is made to escalate force needed.

    As for 5 officers present... look at it this way. If they decided to take the guy to the ground at least 2 officers would have done it. Maybe more. we run the risk of looking like we are going to gang beat this guy..or use the tasar...that usually wont kill anybody? From our vantage point (after the fact) the tasar does not appear to be the A choice.

    If they would have busted his head taking him to the ground what would we say. Or what if they let him walk away and found him at home later... holding his family hostage cause he snapped?. Lot's to second guess.

    It's not a matter of being lazy or wanting to break a sweat... the tasar is whats being used these days. It works.



  • Homerovah the Almighty
    Homerovah the Almighty

    Frankie in all due respect I think your up to get your ass tazered one careful in getting stand uppish with the police, you may encounter one having

    a bad day and it may not go as you expect it.........take care !

  • Brother Apostate
    Brother Apostate

    Allow me to put my "Karnak" hat on here:

    I predict that if law enforvcement is allowed to continue using tasers, it won't be long before we see suspects shooting cops rather than stopping. When it's a matter of life or death, which it has been made clear it is, we will see an escalation of violence towards law enforcement, not the non-resistance they think taser use will bring.

    BA- Takes Karnak hat off.

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