A question about wireless internet connection....

by Gregor 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • RubaDub

    If you do happen to leave the wireless connection unsecured, just remember to ALWAYS turn off your monitor when you are done using the computer.

    You don't want anyone looking back through the monitor into your room when you are not there.

    Rub a Dub

  • Gregor

    Thanks, Rub, Good point. and we had already thought of that. We throw a towel over the monitor when not using it.

  • Finally-Free

    If you do happen to leave the wireless connection unsecured, just remember to ALWAYS turn off your monitor when you are done using the computer.

    You don't want anyone looking back through the monitor into your room when you are not there.

    Alternatively, you can point a webcam towards the monitor. That way people can see themselves and do useful things like brush their teeth, trim nosehairs, and pick zits.


  • R.Crusoe

    Unless of course its pay per view in which case .........

  • MsMcDucket

    After I kept getting and IP conflict notice on the computer, I decided to set my wireless router to non-broadcasting. Before I did this, I had my daughter go a few miles away to see if she could connect to our system AND SHE COULD!!! Whoa, I've got it passworded now! I don't have a camera hooked up to the computer; but I do have a microphone hooked up, which I keep on mute.

    Anyway, after I passworded it, I no longer get the IP conflict notice and the computer works faster.

  • R6Laser

    Several miles? Wow you must have some expensive equipment for it to work over several miles. If you leave your wireless connections open then anyone can just connect to it freely. Once they are connected they can start poking around your network. You have to turn security on the device and change the default password. But I doubt any commercially available wireless router can go over a distance of several miles!

  • Mincan

    I wouldn't do it.

    If you live in a dense area, you'll be wondering why you can only download stuff at 10kbps, because everyone and his neighbour is downloading porn using your connection and stealing your 2mbps connection. I should be able to download at 525kbps if I'm the only one accessing our wireless network.

    It's real easy to encrypt, do it!

  • onacruse

    A few years ago, a friend of ours stayed with us for a week, and he had wireless (we didn't, and don't).

    He gave us a little demonstration: Using his laptop, he accessed 4 open wireless connections from adjacent apartments. We asked him what he could do with them. He said "Anything I want to, and it will show up as if it came from their computer, not mine." Fortunately, he is not a malicious person.

    He explained that each wireless transmitter has to be configured by the end-user, with specific IP info and passwords (if I understood him correctly), or else it's just like going onto the Internet without anti-virus and/or firewall protection.

  • Abandoned

    I'm writing a novel about an aspect of this. As it stands, there currently isn't absolute liability for someone using your wireless connection but if someone did, and knew how to spoof your MAC address, it could look like you were the one doing whatever it is they did. In other words, they could download kiddie porn and make it look like it was downloaded to one of your computers.

    They would need to know one of your MAC addresses and they wouldn't be able to connect while the computer with that 'MAC address was connected as each one has to be unique.

    The other issue is identiy theft. Most of the information you post on the web, including passwords in many cases, is not encrypted.

  • R.Crusoe


    Whilst on a 4 year university course with 4kids and making a 52 miles round trip every day (often by cycling) I took on an unpopular project to produce data of all traffic in the area occupying staff car parks. I could think of few novel alternatives to a serious study in my situation and without all the time on my hands that most students had. I cleared that it was ok to do this as a pair because the nature of the task made it tricky to do alone. It was a significant piece of work but I got dregged before some superioirs for plaigiarism due to having worked collaboratively with another student who was there full time. She was an ambitious girl but I take nothing away from her, I understood her completely and felt closer to her than anyone despite my never hanging around after lectures the whole 4 years! It was a sad situation! We had worked hard and I again had broken countless nights of sleep printing and publishing stats and whatever on my old BBC Master computer!!

    The allegations were that we had effectively deliberately copied information and tasks and other students had complained theirs was individual etc. Eventually it was accepted and I was disappointed the whole saga must have affected our grade.

    Within months the car parks had card systems etc!! Maybe some response to the effectiveness of our study but it obviously pissed off a lot of people I had no wish to piss off!!

    It shows how genuine research and hard work can sometimes get a person on someones hit list. And how it can filter its way right into the eschellons of authority without you ever knowing it till your sat facing the music.

    It gave me a glimpse of the wheels within wheels some people put in motion just caz they like control and have either the time, connections and money or even all three to play their game of life using other people as the pawns and pieces in their game! Greek God syndrome is what I see some of the otherwise bored filthy rich as having!!

    So I can see how some individuals could have things going on about them and not having a clue about it for no reason other than noone will tell them to their face!! Humans definitelly struggle with wireless connections!!

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