Public Talk at CO Visit

by stillajwexelder 13 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • OnTheWayOut

    To be fair, C.O. talks are 40 minutes of indoctrination outline and 5 minutes of
    personal observations. Most elders talks are 25 minutes of indoctrination
    outline and 20 minutes of personal observation.

    Cutting 15 minutes of personal observation out of elders talks makes it equal
    to the C.O. talk in that both now have 5 minutes of personal observation.

    They will have to shorten the C.O. talk when they start putting too many
    congregations into single halls.

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    After two weeks of 30 minute public talks, I recommend that the regular PTs be further reduced to 20 minutes.

    I recommend that the CO visit public talks be reduced to 10 minutes.

    I recommend that all the circuit assembly and district convention talks be reduced to 15 minutes or less. Replace dramas with beauty pagents or monster truck pulls or both.

    The time saved by reducing the talks can be used for.... [drum roll].... FIELD SERVICE !! [cue applause]

    Back on topic: Yes, I think the COs are finishing this round with the 45 minute snoozers.

  • blondie

    Of course some COs are more important and their talks are 60 minutes long daring the BOE to say anything. (from a local source during the CO visit). 15 minutes was spent in bashing other religions and elevating the WTS leaving out the true doings of these groups. How many jws even went to a church on a regular basis. How many know of the community projects to help the homeless, helpless, sick, and hungry? I know jws that walk by the homeless as if they don't exist. I know jws that wait for AA or a rehab group to help the addicts, alcholics before they talk to them.


  • WTWizard

    Does this mean that those prayers at the end of the a$$emblies are now going to be two hours long to make up for it?

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