I don't want to worship a God that.............

by oompa 51 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • serotonin_wraith

    ...doesn't exist.

  • DJK

    Out of the mouths of babes. I was one of those babes. Not in the female sense.

    At a very young I questioned why and how grown adults could believe in something they couldn't see or talk to. The only response I would recieve (unsatisfactory to me) was biblical scriptures to prove his existence. Scriptures written by men who are imperfect and born in sin just as I was? Men who claim divine inspiration or God had spoken to them? These days, these men reside in intitutions. WTF.

    IMO, the bible wasn't intended to be read by the generations that followed its last writers. It served its intended purpose for the times it was written in and is now outdated just like the computer I purchased a few months ago.

    I worship no one.

  • Homerovah the Almighty
    Homerovah the Almighty
    IMO, the bible wasn't intended to be read by the generations that followed its last writers. It served its intended purpose for the times it was written in and is now outdated just like the computer I purchased a few months ago.

    Good point DJK , I'm glad you brought that up

    Possibly then God exists presently today by only of the virtue of the power that it evokes in men.

    Mouthy... since God as we know him was a murderous vindictive tyrant who killed millions of people including innocent children does that mean

    when people murder one another this is because they are full of god's holly spriit.......just to follow along with your comment !

  • DJK
    since God as we know him was a murderous vindictive tyrant who killed millions of people including innocent children does that mean

    I don't want to hijack Oompas thread.

    I just want to say I don't believe a God, some invisible supreme being, killed anyone. I think man killed and is too ashamed to admit it, and will place the blame anywhere but where it should be to justify himself and his conscience.

  • The Oracle
    The Oracle

    I have to admit that the concept of God as presented in the bible comes across as rather juvenile, spiteful, primitive, and vindictive. Why would a superior intellect be so concerned about being worshipped? It's not an admirable quality in humans in any scenario, even if they deserve heaps of praise for something. But to actually seek it, and demand it is rather distasteful, and in IMHO is the mark of a serious personality flaw.

    It always caused my proverbial eyebrows to raise whenever the brothers spoke about what would happen at Armageddon, and how that Jehovah would make sure that everyone knew who was killing them and what exactly was happening before they actually died. Otherwise it would be just wanton killing. Ummmm yeah. That should make everyone feel better... The deity Jehovah getting in your face and declaring "I am Jehovah" before he rips your arms off and crushes your skull. Nice religion. I think, I'll pass.

    The Oracle

  • JK666


    You have the freedom now to worship a God of your own understanding, or not. Ain't Freedom great!


  • mouthy

    but sorry if I have ticked you off.......oompa Oh Darling you did not tick me off

    I thought this was a place where we could say what we think Not to have hard feelings.
    You see I believe that most people are following Satan Whom I believe is the ruler of the earth. ALLOWED by GOD...
    I believe those that do loving things & kindness have The CREATOR's attributes in them Those who kill & rape belong to Satan. HE is guiding & leading them.

    Now remember all of you.... This is a place where I am allowed to say what I feel. I am FREE ,not having to abide your or anyone elses laws ( except on here I guess Simon could kick me off
    ROCKS are piled in the left hand corner

  • changeling

    Great post oompa!

    I refuse to worship a god who requires me to worship him under penalty of death.

    This god claims to have created me in his image and to be my loving father.

    This god encourages me to imitate his parenting skills.

    If I parented my children the way he parents mankind I would be on death row.


  • mouthy


  • hamsterbait

    The Insight Book says that the purpose of the human tongue was primarily to worship Jehovah.

    As was Bird song

    End of discussion. the Gibbering Body hath even unto us now spake.


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