Elders breaking ecclesiastical privelege.

by avishai 18 Replies latest jw friends

  • Odrade

    Avi, there was a talk given like that in a hall we attended about 8 years ago. It was extremely cryptic, and the only thing we could guess was that someone "important" had done something, and they were threatening whoever knew to keep their mouths shut. It was weird because the gossip mill is almost its own entity. Ha!

  • oompa

    Holy Cow YES! I think dubs somehow invented the internet for this very purpose. Even before the net.....information flashed all over the state, the district....the freaakin nation.....everybody knows who got df'd...what naughty thing they touched and where..........oompa...it's organized

  • Dismembered

    Greetings Avi,

    I continue to be amazed that those dolts still have ecclesiastical privilege in this day and age. They should be thrown in jail, and watchtower padlocked for giving those buffoons that kind of intrusive authority.


  • DT

    So what are the legal consequences of this? The elders like to claim privilege when it suits them, but make a mockery of it at other times. If they want to be able to hide behind ecclesiastical privilege for legal reasons, they should have to face severe legal consequences for breaking it.

  • cyd0099

    The only time I ever heard of any elder invoking ecclesiastical privilege was when my parents threatened to sue an elder for harassment and slander. He hid behind it like a blanket.

  • hillbilly

    I really dont think any but the most savvy of them know what eclesiastical privilige is. Were I am from... and I'd guess many of us are from similar places... the Hall is made up of several main families.

    Elders wifes, elders, elders kids... get the picture? It' is real hard to keep things under wraps when the are someones family business... stuff gets out and folks put 2 and 2 together.

    I do know of elder's kids and wifes going through bookbags and notes.

    I figured out never tell any JW anything you would not want to read about in the local newpaper.


  • avishai

    I don't know that there are any legal penalties, though on a civil level, you can really lose your ass for breaking privelege

  • hillbilly

    true ..there are penalties for breaking privilige. But the average Dub would never ask to be made whole through Ceasar's courts.

    Most of us who would have a case... it would be hard to get anyone privy to the fact to collaborate the story... that "let god take care of it later" mentality.

    I dont think you get get a whole lot of "moral outrage" out of the membership if the elders broke privelege.

    After 25 years in...my profesional opinion is.. most JW's are a little whacked.


  • Finally-Free

    I've had confidences broken by elders many times, and as a result the entire congregation always knew every detail of my life, usually grossly exaggerated.

    There is no such thing as a JW elder who is capable of earning my respect as a human being as long as he remains an elder. To me they are all pieces of shit.


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