As a Witness I Hated Personal Study- How About You ?

by flipper 51 Replies latest jw friends

  • LouBelle

    When I was younger I didn't enjoy it too much. But as I grew up I enjoyed researching, looking up the history, the quotes, the scriptures & find back up was personal study that set me free!!!!

    I was getting more bibles, getting greek dictionaires...noticed missing texts, noticed changes in phrases and viva personal study viva.

  • flipper

    LOUBELLE- Oh, I agree that personal study is good and has it's good points! Especially if it gets you out of the witness cult . But I have to say because witnesses are under such " information control" on what they are allowed to read , I have really learned so much more these last 4 years being outside the cult ! Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • LouBelle

    Mr Flipper : yup I hear you - You know even though I was a witness through and through - I still had an inner direction / inner feeling to read other literature.... I don't know - I think God knew that he'd be calling me out of that faith at a later stage - cos though I was under control I wasn't under 100% (99% hahaha)

  • diamondblue1974

    Personal Study = Prescribed Indoctrination!

    I hated every minute of their dull and intellectually insulting study program.


  • Bumble Bee
    Bumble Bee
    BUMBLE BEE- Man, you were sure lucky having parents that didn't make you personal study- or have a family study ! Lucky girl ! My dad , ( the stoic elder ) had family studies preparing for the theocratic ministry school ! You want to talk about BORING ? Then he would ask me every week- have you read your latest Awake ? or your latest Watchtower ? Then I'd just tune him out- go put my headphones on, and listen to my Led Zeppelin records ! Much more soothing , and not as boring ! Peace out, Mr. Flipper

    Yes, I had it easier than most. I had a girlfriend that lived in the same block and her parents made them study for everything! I remember being over there once when her mom decided we'd all do the weekly bible reading, and then act it out! We had occasional family studies, but nothing regular, and my dad was pretty good about not draging it out (unlike his father!). It was usually the WT study for the week, quick read of the paragraphs, quick answers and we were done.


  • lonelysheep

    As an adult study, I always loved personal study because it was attention and time to talk to someone who I thought loved me very much. The only time I hated it and questioned my time was when I was nursing my son, and my conductor threatened me into having a study rather than sleeping during that free 2 hour block. "Armageddon could come during that time, and your kids wouldn't be saved."

  • lonelysheep

    (duplicate post)

  • flipper

    LOUBELLE- It's great you had an open mind ; a critical thinking mind that wasn't totally under " cult mind control" - it allowed you to educate yourself and exit the witnesses ! Cool!

    DIAMOND BLUE 1974- You hated personal study ? You and me both ! Exactly as you stated: Prescribed Indoctrination!

    BUMBLE BEE- Well, with as giving a person as I know you are - I'm sure you were there to help your girlfriend get over her weekly Bible beating readings with her parents ! Help heel her bruises up from being mentally beaten down by the witness cult ! Be glad your dad was easier on you ! LOL!

    LONELY SHEEP- Well one thing you might have asked your Bible study conductor that was so concerned you and your son would survive Armageddon - " How are my son and me going to even survive Armageddon if you don't let me nurse him? My son will starve to death first let alone Armageddon ? ! " The nerve of some of those witness Bible teachers- Jeez

  • wildfell

    I was baptised as a very young adult and I was hungry for Bible knowledge so I diligently studied absolutely everything. I even took notes during the public talks and assemblies and filed them. I am studious by nature and loved to learn. However, the longer I was a witness, the more bored I became. (I spent a lot of years stifling yawns at meetings and bible studies I conducted!) It was always a re-hash. During the last few years I quit studying anything! I found it frustrating to read the wt articles. Not because they were difficult or profound, but because of what I now know is the 'circular logic' that they employ.

    Now, I don't study books that interpret the Bible, I study the Bible itself!! A real Bible like the NIV. I feel like I am finally learning about the Bible for the first time and I love it!

  • flipper

    WILDFELL- Welcome to the board friend ! I am glad you saw through the circular reasoning of the Watchtower society and am happy you get encouragement from reading the Bible directly ! I have always felt getting to know " God " if you believe in him is a very personal thing and should be done on a personal level. i see no need for organized religion. In my humble opinion

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