Ever encounter gypsies?

by Gregor 53 Replies latest jw experiences

  • noni1974

    I drive a family of them around in my cab from time to time.They never want to pay full price.I ask for the money up front or I don't drive them.

  • oompa

    really.........sign me up......oompa

  • Sad emo
    Sad emo

    The Roma people I've met are fine - very proud, clean living and often wealthy. The Roma still living in Eastern Europe are treated very much like the Jews were under Nazi Germany (Hitler actually hated them as much as the Jews and many died in the concentration camps). They are sometimes forced to live in 'ghetto' areas and denied basic facilities such as education, clean water and electricity.


    There are other groups of travellers who aren't so great. In the UK, there are many Irish travellers and these are most often the ones associated with dodgy building work, charging extortionate prices for badly tarmaccing the drive and then blockading you until you pay up plus general dishonesty and untidiness. HOWEVER, even some of the Irish groups DO have high standards also and are making an honest living.

    Then there are society's 'dropouts' who have been tagged into 'traveller' category but who are absolutely nothing to do with the culture...

  • kwr

    You know Ink you must have: G U L L I B L E stamped on your forehead.

  • DaCheech

    In my area there is a group that will run up to people in supermarket or mall parking lots.

    without your consent they try to fix the dent or paint damage to car. they do not fix right and then want money.

    if you dont pay, they damage car even further.

    one of my best friends owns a body shop, his sis call with emerg. he runs and shows up to the scene. just as the people fixed the job

    they wanted money. he told them "i own body shop, and you've done this without permission and consent". all 3 of them ganged up on him, and sent him to hospital.

  • Satanus

    The political correctness religion blinds people to facts. I once knew a girl, who said she was gypsy. She was a theif by nature/habit, liar, manipulater extraordinaire. Like somebody said, they would rather steal a dime than earn a dollar honestly. They get some kind of a buzz from scamming people. On the other hand, not all 'gypsies' are like that.


  • Robert7

    I saw a great documentary from Kazakhstan that says Gypsy tears protects you from Aids.

    Actually, the encyclopedia link below says under the section 'Little known facts about Gypsies' - "Gypsy tears protect against the A.I.D.S virus, as well as ward off other diseases".

    If you read it on the internet, it has to be true.


  • digderidoo

    Being a market trader for many years i have met alot of gypsies and have had fantastic experiences with them. My cousin is married to one and the wedding was one crazy party!

    I envy the no nonsense and no worry way that they live.

    Yet at the same time i wouldn't trust a single one of them!

  • Gregor

    My wife works at a high end department store in downtown Portland. She deals with these people a lot. They have so many scams and ploys that when they come in, always in a large family group, it is routine to have security alerted. One trick. When they buy clothing (after haggling over "flaws", or claim it is on sale, etc) they never remove the tags. They wear the clothes with the tags inside. Then weeks later or after a special event, wedding or what ever, they return it and claim it was never worn.

    She and I were in a casual dining restaurant not long ago when she recognized a gypsie couple who came in. She alerted me and we observed them order several food items. They sat and ate from various plates. About halfway through they called over the waitress and after talking to her and gesturing at the food, the waitress took several items back and brought back something else. When she came to our table my wife asked her what the problem was with the other couple. She rolled her eyes and said, "Oh, they're Gypsies. They come in and do stuff like that all the time".

  • inkling
    You know Ink you must have: G U L L I B L E stamped on your forehead.

    This insult makes so sense. Just because I am curious about the complexity of a troubled and often dishonest segment of the population doesn't mean I am going to TRUST them sheesh. [ink]

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