Holy S*** visit tomorrow from the PO

by freeman 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • freeman

    If you folks recall, a while back I went ballistic when my boys told me they were going to now ‘shun’ both their newly dis-fellowshipped friends because that is what the society said is the loving thing to do. SICK! Anyway, I informed the father of the two boys, an elder, that my younger unbaptized son (12) will no longer be studying or going to the meetings because I don’t want him to participate in or have his young mind twisted by such unscriptural teachings. I also challenged my wife, (a full blown dub) or anyone she knew, to prove to me from the Bible, and only the Bible, the validity of this shunning doctrine or for that matter the current policy on blood. I wrote a letter that IMHO totally shredded the shunning doctrine and handed it to my wife to deliver to this elder, and now, months latter, I think I’m about to get my medicine, (maybe).

    Well I guess I could be mistaken, but somehow I doubt this is going to be a spiritual pep talk, more like a witch hunt me thinks, but who knows. What do you guys think? Yea that's what I thought too.

    Well if I see it’s a no win situation, and if I can muster the nerve, I just may show this PO how the WTBTS has been in-bed with the scarlet beast for the past ten years. I have all the UN scandal stuff ready to shove in his face. Oh and my letter from the UN NOG/DPI section, the same as posted on this board, is a real letter, it came signed and in a real official UN envelope complete with the UN seal. And I also got a nice color brochure from them describing what an NGO/DPI associate is and their obligations to the UN. There will be no arguing that this is something made up, the UN maild it to me. I’ll keep you posted.

    Wish me luck.

    Freeman (saying in his best Clint Eastwood voice, ‘go ahead PO, make my day’)

  • Celia

    Any way you could tape the meeting and transcribe it here ?
    Or better, hidden camera, videotape it all and post it here ?

  • Tanalyst

    If you lovingly educate the elders about the WT/UN scandel, how can you lose? You may have gained your brother. Smile, be positive.

  • Simon

    Good luck freeman

    Remember that they are just 'followers' themselves and you know much more than they do.

  • California Sunshine
    California Sunshine

    Keep your head high...you really do have the actual truth on your side.

    Sure would like to know what happens.

    Good luck,


    minds are like parachutes--they only function when open.

  • barry

    Dear Freaman,
    With my limited experiance of debating it is best to take charge and establish what you want to talk about . Youve mentioned two subjects shunning and the UN thing. Dont let the conversation be sidetracked onto other subjects as much asyou may be tempted. Remember Martin Luther who put the 95 thesis on the church door, most Protestants wouldnt know what they are but all know about the doctrine that changed the world 'the just shall live by faith.' The doctrine of righteousness by faith.
    make every punch count

  • Simon

    Yes, they will quickly try to change the subject should you make points that they can't counter. Also, they will make excuses for the WTS but not accept those same 'excuses' from you. When I pointed out that their web-site had outright lies on it (the 'we don't shun people and DF'ing doesn't break up families') their response was "well, just don't read it!" but they didn't like me telling them the same thing when they didn't like the facts about them that I had on a web-site.

    Also, if they try to label you "the evil slave" you can answer by:

    a) Pointing out that it is the same slave being talked about "... but if that slave..."

    b) You have never claimed to be the faithful slave but you know some people who have (Rutherford particularly fits the drunken label)

  • anglise

    Dubs hate bad publicity.
    What would be the response if you said they your boys being forced to shun their friends was detrimental to their school life etc.
    What would the head teacher and social welfare people feel about such an enforced ruling on children withou v/good reasoning ie bad influences such as drugs or similar.
    How would the local papers react or even a letter to the open pages could bring forth quite a response especially if it was formed a concerned question from a loving parent.
    Maybe letting the PO know about such tactics might give you the upper hand, but you must be prepared to use them along with any other information that is factual and provable about your local cong without it being slanderous.

  • Pathofthorns

    I think you are wasting your time debating or discussing anything with your PO. He is not there to listen to your "deviant viewpoints". If I were you, I wouldn't have him in my home.

    What happens to you depends on what you have written in your letter and what you have told people. Start preparing yourself mentally for what is likely to happen and just move on. Don't waste your time imagining you can somehow "get through to them".


  • mommy

    I can't wait to hear the response from them today. It sounds like you have your cannons up and ready to be fired. The only thing I am worried about, and believe me this does happen. The elders may take your wife off to the side after this meeting and discuss what a bad influence you can be to her, or perhaps they have already that is the reason for this meeting.

    I am interested if they are coming there for a rebuttal on your question on shunning. It appears that months after the fact it is not likely the case.

    Anywho, I will keep an eye on this thread, and hope the best for you and your family.

    Blind faith can justify anything.~Richard Dawkins

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