Guys, What's it like being one of girls?

by prophecor 23 Replies latest jw friends

  • prophecor

    They can just talk with you, and be in your company. Almost like you were one of them. They don't mind sharing with you. Thoughts fellas, we're talking words, here. They wave to you, you wave back. They're more than comfortable to be in your airspace. They know that you have no ill intent or evil designs on thier posterior. They always seem happy to see you. Do I look like one of your girlfriends?

  • LouBelle

    some of us girls just want some good guy friends to hang out with, without the complication of being attracted to them.

  • Priest73

    In a perfect world yes. In the world that we live in, I think Chris Rock said it best (I refrain from quoting him. It's crude.)

  • 5go

    I personally like it better than being one of the guys but I am biased.

  • changeling

    Do you need a "fag hag" darlin?


  • wanderlustguy

    I LOVE it. Went to a concert with three women last week, all had a least a Masters Degree, ranging from journalism, to communications, to education, with ages from 31 to 55. One of the most stimulating (and yes, arousing) nights of my life. It's great being with people who can get in your head.

  • BFD

    Do you need a "fag hag" darlin?


    I did not release you, dear. Are you giving me the boot?


  • SirNose586
    They know that you have no ill intent or evil designs on thier posterior.

    That is classic. May I quote you, sir?

  • changeling

    Never BFD! I was just wondering were our dear prophecor was going with this.

    I'm sure he is capable of finding his own fag hag.

    changeling the loyal

  • Abandoned
    What's it like being one of [the] girls?

    Well, on the occasional night that I put on those clothes, and go to those kinds of gatherings -- I rather enjoy it, thank you very much.

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