What is your favorite word and why?

by Abandoned 55 Replies latest jw friends

  • memario


    cuz after my last post thats probably what's going to happen to me.


  • averyniceguy

    pussy is my favorite word, I love pleasing ladies.

  • WTWizard

    Blizzard. Why? Because if I heard that word on the weather forecast before the boasting sessions, there was a chance that it would be cancelled for snow. Of course, all too often it was someone else that got the blizzard, or it would be too damn hot (and rain) or fizzle out and we got a dusting. Or the timing was off, and the idiots would have the damn boasting session anyways. That pxxxed me off when it happened.

  • Farkel

    : Mine is Facetious. I like it for a lot of reasons. It rolls off the tongue. It's playful. It's my personality. But it also has an interesting call to fame. It is one of three English words that contain all five vowels, in order.

    : So, what's yours?

    ALL the words are my favorite. Without them we cannot communicate in this environment.

    How about "sequoiah?" It is a 8 letter word with all 5 of the common vowels in it. It is also a great trivia question. Facetious has 4 consonents.

    When it comes to favorite words, one of mine is perspecacious, which basically means "smart". "Smart" has 5 letters. Perspecacious has about a million of them. That's not very smart.


  • Farkel

    : I like serendipity also

    Not looking for anything in particular and finding something wonderful. Sort of like meeting your future ex-wife!

    :Onomatopoeia is a good one - only because I know what it means.

    Isn't that when bees make a BZZZZ sound? I forget. It was a hundred years ago when I heard that one.

    I still remember how to pronounce it, though.


  • Farkel



    "Kiss" has four letters and means the same thing. Why use a 25 cent word when a 3 cent word works as well? It is ostentacious and overtly loquacious as well. Not to mention the fact that it is a bit of pedantry, too.

    Farkel, of the keep it simple CLASS(tm)

  • wednesday


    It sounds so much more sophisticated than Revelation, which is what i normally would say.

  • poppers

    Hortensia and Awake and Watching I love the Huntington Library, too. The first time I was there in 1980 I sat transfixed in front of the painting "Pinkie" by Sir Thomas Lawrence, which faced "The Blue Boy" on the opposite wall of the art gallery. On my second and last visit in 1984 I was given a personal tour of the rose garden by the head gardener - what an amazing experience and all around facility. I urge anyone who gets to San Marino, California (near Pasadena) to go there.

  • Gregor

    Disputatious - because it fits

    Main Entry: dis·pu·ta·tious
    Pronunciation: -sh&s
    1 a: inclined to dispute b: marked by disputation
    2: provoking debate : CONTROVERSIAL

  • Leolaia
    "Kiss" has four letters and means the same thing. Why use a 25 cent word when a 3 cent word works as well? It is ostentacious and overtly loquacious as well. Not to mention the fact that it is a bit of pedantry, too.

    I think you mean "showy" and "wordy".

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