2008/2009 DC Theme "Guided by the Spirit of God"

by JWFreak 36 Replies latest jw friends

  • cognac

    So how is "Guided by Gods Spirit" special to the governing body? They have a hard time now saying there thinking is any dif. then ours...

  • BreakingAway

    in·spire (n-spr) v.in·spired, in·spir·ing, in·spires v.tr. 1. To affect,guide, or arouse by divine influence. Yeah, they love their little word games.

  • AlphaOmega

    My guess is that is going to be less to do with the anointed and more to do with the Governing Body as the May 1st "Questions From Readers (Readers in the Writing Department)" - elevated the GB above the anointed as the GB are "more experienced".

    Maybe the following phrase in the March 1st Watchtower :

    Children of God on Earth

    Jehovah is also gathering "the things on the earth," that is, millions of people earth wide, in order that they can eventually become his earthly children.

    Maybe that suggests that the millions of people on the Earth will "eventually" become his children WHEN THEY ARE READY / WHEN THEY CHOOSE TO - thereby making it a personal decision whether one is included or not ????

  • Burger Time
    Burger Time

    If "everyone" were spiritual anointed it would mean that "Jehovah's Organization" is null and void since now everyone could make personal decisions. Afraid that will never happen.

  • AlphaOmega
    If "everyone" were spiritual anointed it would mean that "Jehovah's Organization" is null and void since now everyone could make personal decisions. Afraid that will never happen.

    You'd think so, but after they have taken the "awe" of the anointed away - I can see it happening. One day - but maybe not yet. As for "personal decisions", that would imply that currently, the "anointed" are allowed to do as they please - but we all know that isn't the case.

  • jwfacts

    They are setting themselves up for failure. Obviously pedophile elder appointments and flip flop doctrine are not guided by spirit. A few JWs will see through the theme, especially those that thought the WTS does not claim direct guidance, but only indirect guidance from following scripture.

  • Gopher
    A few JWs will see through the theme, especially those that thought the WTS does not claim direct guidance, but only indirect guidance from following scripture.

    One time I heard the C.O. say that the holy spirit is available to anyone reading the Bible -- and that the scriptures are like "frozen holy spirit" (in his words) just waiting to be thawed out and usable by opening up the Bible.

    So what makes the JW leadership MORE guided by holy spirit than any other religious group, if anyone can get that guidance? They still have to claim some kind of direct guidance from angelic sources to set themselves apart as special. (Just wondering out loud !)

  • SnakesInTheTower

    sounds like the Writing Department has been hitting the bottle again...

    2008 "Guided By God's Jack Daniel's Spirit" District Convention

    Snakes ()

    now that sounds more like a convention worth attending

  • heathen

    Nah I see it as the "follow the christ" , was about obedience to the publishing corporation and now "guided by spirit" , is about how the publishing corporation is guiding the masses by being spirit directed . Yadda yadda .They do claim spirit direction and not spirit inspired,I can't figure that one out ether .Just another of those convoluted reasonings .

  • WTWizard

    I can bet that, regardless of the theme, it is going to be another wastefest where children will be expected to sit quietly all day, and everyone will have to stay in their suits with their embarrassment badges on all day and night.

    They will also have their share of talks about going online, going to college, and getting a career going (all sins). They will tell people to give up those items so they can make more time for pioneering. Of course, they will have their fake experiences about how people gave up all those things, and are now pioneers (as if that were a blessing in of itself). And there will be the symposiums against worldly associations, fornication, listening to real music (there are 225 songs you can listen to without Brother Hounder showing up), and spending too much any time in entertainment or recreation.

    And, there is no way I am going to walk in. If left to my own devices, I will not even show up. If they drag me in, I will do all I can to embarrass the crap out of them. Either way, they are not going to get even a penny out of me to fill in that deficit that they are going to have in the afternoon session on the last day.

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