The Plunge Into HELL

by Farkel 18 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Farkel

    : How old were you when baptized as a JW?

    I thought I would bring this up to another thread, because I saw that my old friend Gary Busselmen and others were baptised so young, as I was. I recall a few years ago that a WT rag showed a picture of a little girl, not more than 8 or 9 years old being baptised into a life that she has no idea what it means for her for the rest of her life in dubland.

    This reminds me of the Hitler Youth near the end of WWII: brainwashed, young and vulnerable.

    Here are my comments on the other thread. Please add to it. It is important since the Cult now encourages the youngest of the youngest to make that plunge into WATCHTOWER HELL:

    :12 in 1960. I knew exactly what I was getting into: that baptism would give me a magic shield from being destroyed at Armageddon(tm).

    :That's why I did it. I needed that magic shield. For protection. God would fuck me up without that magic shield, so I got one. I got dunked.

    :Well, Armageddon didn't happen as planned, so my magic shield didn't protect me as I thought it would. But I was sucked into a sewer of religious insanity, and my magic shield, which was supposed to protect me, turned out to be my enemy.

    :There was NO Armageddon, no need for my magic shield, but they now OWNED me and my magic shield could no longer protect me from THEM.


  • stillajwexelder

    I knew exactly what I was getting into: that baptism would give me a magic shield from being destroyed at Armageddon(tm).

    Exacly why I got baptized in the 1980s. Ronald Reagan and Margaret Thatcher were on the world stage and I truly thought Armageddon was going to come any day very soon

  • oompa

    16 which is a joke too. glands are hoppin, as the bloomin youth are told to not date or marry. what else are you talkin about though as far as those colons: .......................oompa

  • Dismembered

    I had to get baptized to marry the woman I'm now divorced from. 1975 Talk about the shit end of the stick.


  • Abandoned

    I woke up one fine morning in 1990, rolled out of my comfy waterbed, walked over to my brand new 286 computer and loaded up Hillsfar. I was making money, enjoying myself, and just about ready to ask this pretty young girl from work out on a date. Yep, something had to give. So, instead of being thankful for the wonderful things I had in my life, I felt guilty for playing one of those evil Dungeons and Dragons computer games and located the nearest Kingdom Hall. Three months later I was going over the baptismal questions.

    I was in Texas at the time. Why couldn't I just find a rancher to brand the word MORON on my forehead?

  • restrangled


    The basis for most of our batisms was so not right. We were scared into it.

    you stated:

    12 in 1960. I knew exactly what I was getting into: that baptism would give me a magic shield from being destroyed at Armageddon(tm).

    :That's why I did it. I needed that magic shield. For protection. God would fuck me up without that magic shield, so I got one. I got dunked.

    I got babtized at 14 and crossed my fingers behind my back promising nothing to any one. The pressure was high .....1975 was just on the horizon. Every kid in the hall was under high pressure.

    What a joke, I felt like a flea on a dog........I survived the bath, but would eventually be eaten.

    Funny, I turn up here on this forum 35 years later as that eaten flea, but am creating heart worm for the host.

    Get it?

  • jwfacts

    I was baptised at 16 in the "worldwide year of peace" which our our congregation thought quite probably was the call of peace and security. Talks were given that a teenager was old enough to make their own decision, and could not ride on the coat-tails of their parents into the New System. Get baptised or risk destruction.

    My cousin, who is the same age as me, did not get baptised. The irony is that 20 years on I am a disfellowshipped non believer, so shunned: she is a unbaptised non believer, and still part of the family. Baptism lets you slip into hell on earth, allegiance to an organization that lingers forever, for it affects your life therafter, whether you leave or not.

  • R.Crusoe

    Happy New Year!

    Come on in and under water find!

    That you have given up all your rights.

    Come on in so we can own your soul

    Get others do the same will be lifes goal

    Come on in so you can cease to think

    All eyes fixed, love watching as you sink

    Come on in so all your happy times get fed

    To WT vampires view of fresh blood red

    Your pale and weary daytime eyes of life

    All joy and fun is sucked, replaced with strife!

    And wasted as you are till it's made clear

    Of use to us no longer, is our fear

    So, you lonely, crippled, side of road apostate

    Pick up your own bed walk away and prosper!

    Best wishes for 2008!

  • quietlyleaving

    My son got baptized at 14 - he is still zealous, answers-up in every talk and practically every question of the Watchtower.

    Daughter got baptized at 14 too but is out now and happy.

  • Warlock

    I was dunked at 25......................TO SAVE MY OWN ASS.


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