Class Suit Against the Watchtower -- Anyone?

by Dogaradodya 65 Replies latest jw friends

  • OMG! Now What?
    OMG! Now What?

    I'm in. Even though I've only recently awakened, I'd love to sue the pants off of them. I lost friends, family, jobs, sanity, dignity, and money. I've avoided certain jobs because of being one of them and have paid dearly for it. Again, I'm in if there's a suit filed.

  • Dogaradodya

    Well, then, let's get our acts together. I'm serious! The damage done to me is still ongoing. It still hurts. We can prove to the courts the damage done to us.

    Here is the reason JW teachings are dangerous for children:

    JW son: Dad, I wanna be a member of the 144,000.

    JW elder: Son, are you getting crazy?

    That is my story. I take it from there.

  • sweetface2233

    Maybe instead you could use all the time and money this case would involve and get some good therapy. If the WT ruined 1/2 of your life and you are 44 years old, don't you think it's time to move on?

  • Dogaradodya

    You could say that. It's very hard to move on from where I stand. I can only move on once I settle this issue. As I've said, I'll not let the damage done to me just pass. When did you become a JW, if I may ask?


    If people could just move on,from the damage the WBT$ has done to them..There would`nt be 24,000+ members on this board.....And..This board among others,wouldn`t exist..........Clint Eastwood...OUTLAW

  • Dogaradodya

    Thanks, Outlaw! You're my friend for life.

  • sweetface2233

    I was raised as a JW, but I refuse to let the WTS get anymore of my life. I permitted enough of it. And, I'm sorry Outlaw, but there are many, many members that visit this board on a regular basis who have gotten over it and moved on w/ their lives. This board is going w/ their memberships, too.

  • Jim_TX
    "I can't let the damage done to me just pass. I can't forgive them, not in this lifetime."

    I find this statement both sad - and scary. I would recommend that you do not buy any cans of Pepper Spray.

    Seriously... one needs to heal from any poor or bad experience - and move on. If one is not able to do so - or thinks that they are not able to do so - then perhaps they need help. Help from professionals - perhaps psychiatric professionals.

    I know that my chances at going to college were probably ruined by my being a JW back then when I was a much younger lad... but if I wanted to (and I do - I'm just lazy), I could still go to college now - and get - at least - a 2-year college degree. If I do not go to college now though - it's my fault - no one elses'.

    Learn to place fault and blame where it is appropriate. Live for the here and now and the future. Not for yesterday.


    Jim TX

  • sweetface2233

    One more thing, I seriously doubt that the WTS can be held responsible for "forcing" you to go to the meetings and out in service. Did the GB show up at your door every Sat and Sun morning, as well as Tue and Thurs evenings to make sure you were doing what was required? They weren't beating on my bedroom door. Who was? My mother. She's the one that bought into their teachings and promises and dragged me and my siblings along in the process. Am I upset w/ her? No...she was just doing what she felt was best for me. As for baptism, yes many of us were pessured into it, but in the end, it was still our individual decision.

  • sammielee24
    Learn to place fault and blame where it is appropriate. Live for the here and now and the future. Not for yesterday

    I agree to live for today and the future but I don't think that a lawsuit against abuse keeps one bogged down in yesterday either. If that were the case, there would never be payback for any of those molestation or abuse victims of every ilk. We tend to look at some abuse victims as heroes when they bring to light their issues and fight for their rights and I don't see this as any different. Abuse is abuse in whatever form it takes and some have a much harder time dealing with it on many levels - financially, emotionally, socially....Freedom of religion is only a phrase - the WTS operates as a club demanding a lifetime membership by baptism in allegience to themselves. A teen who joins the club has no comprehension of the ramifications of that act should he ever try to leave for any reason or act in any way that is deemed unworthy of the club. Fear is the most common form of control by any abuser - and the WTS controls all their members by fear. A child is even more susceptible since they have no ability to reason at the level of an adult. sammieswife.

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