If you don't see me here

by Junction-Guy 26 Replies latest jw friends

  • Junction-Guy

    I dont have a red X on my screen.

  • Abandoned
    I dont have a red X on my screen.

    ROFL! That's even funnier than I thought you were going to say.

  • Junction-Guy

    Actually Im going to try selective surfing with a purpose instead of just sitting here reading nearly every post that comes by. If I can get the search function to work better, then I may be able to pull this off.

  • uninformed

    I will miss you. Seems like most of the time I agree with you.

    Hope you get to the convention for McCain, for your sake. That would be a real hoot.

    I am still in flux over which one of the Republicans I like.

    I like Fred Thompson the best, but he has a snowball's chance.

    Rudy would be my next pick, but he is dying in the polls right now.

    McCain, leans a little too far to the left for me

    That about leaves Romney.


  • Junction-Guy

    MCcain does lean a little towards the left, but for me there is no way I can support Romney. I have seen the theocratic warfare strategy employed by the Mormon church and it seems so similar to JW's. If there was ever any doubt in my mind about Romney, the Mormon church solidified it for me.

  • uninformed

    I hate the Mormon religion too.


  • jaguarbass

    Good luck well miss you. Stop in from time to time.

    I cant get anything done coming here all the time either.

    But since I dont have to spend 8 or so hours in the tower, I can afford to come here.

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