the shadow lurkers

by msil 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • msil

    This was the first house I ever knew...when Mom came home from the hospital...this was it. I waited all those months to get into this world and come and live here...a peaceful home. I had some toys and spent my days learning to ride my tricycle and then progressed onto learning to ride my beautiful blue bicycle which Dad had brought home as an end-of-year gift for me. It was beautiful. Shiny, new it reflected Daddy's love to me....every time it shone in the bright sun I could see the sparkle in his eyes!! I was his boy!!! He was so proud of me. He had saved money for months so he could experience the joy of giving his son the blue bicycle.

    Later that afternoon and in the next week or so, the bicycle became a little less shiny, my hands and knees knew mother earth a little more intimately as I practiced and practiced to learn how to ride

    I was 5 years old lived in a nice house on a decent size piece of property which my Dad had provided for the family. I had 2 dogs, a cat loving parents who loved each other and loved me. Life was grand..and I can still see it all so clearly now.

    The next door neighbor was my age....his name was Gary and he had a small yellow bicycle. He could ride it like a champion. He was my best friend and I was his. I wanted so badly to be able to ride like him.

    And then one day it happened! I got on my bike, cranked away at the peddles and a new rider was born. I was elated. I showed my dogs how well I could ride and reminded them that now I would be as fast as them for the first time.

    "Gary, I have to show Gary I suddenly thought" and I raced out of my driveway and into his. His driveway was clear and the house was quiet. I rode up to the front door, in case someone was inside - that way they could see how well I could ride now. I knocked on the door...and waited.

    No answer...I knocked again...nothing. Unperturbed I walked back to my bicycle and lifted one leg over...and I heard a peculiar noise. It came from the backyard in Gary's house. I dismounted, thinking perhaps it was Gary. I walked around the back of the house...the door on the porch was wide open. I went to stick my head through to see if Gary was there.

    The 2 men were holding down the woman in the family room. One of the men held a bread knife pointing at her face. The other one was asking her questions. I looked more closely and I recognized the woman. It was Mavis. Mavis - the cleaning lady. She had been hit on the side of her face, obviously by one of the men. She was terrified.

    I was too young to know what to do. "Is Gary home?" I asked. Hearing my boyish voice I think they were totally startled. Quickly one of the men grabbed me, he was the one with the bread knife. My life changed in that instant. For the first time ever in my life I had a new friend...that friends name is "fear". The man held the knife at my throat, turned to Mavis and said "OK last chance....where do they keep the stuff? Tell us now or say goodbye to this boy".

    Even now I don't know what happened next...I simply cannot recall. But I know I was locked in Gary's closet and I never saw Mavis or the men again. I just sat there alone in the dark, shivering, afraid, scared out of my skull.

    The darkness was so scary. That’s all I remember...

    The police questioned me at my house...for what felt like an eternity. But all I could think of was those men coming back for night in the years that followed that day...that’s all I could think about. The men coming out of the dark to get me and kill me. I had to eliminate the shadows....I had to eliminate the dark...the lights would stay on. I had to sleep in my Dad's arms...He had to keep me safe...yes he had to keep me safe for the next several years. I could not sleep by myself in my room....even with the lights on. Yes if I closed my was I would not sleep. My poor parents had to put up with me sleeping in their bed or on the floor in their room until I was 9 years old. If they locked their bedroom door for some privacy, they would come out and find me laying on the cement floor outside their bedroom door.

    "The shadow lurkers....the evil men...please don't let them come for me. Please Daddy keep me safe. Watch over me while I sleep, pray to Jehovah for me...I feel safe by you Daddy...I love you Daddy"

  • msil

    I was asked by some people in chat if this is a true story...

    I wish it wasn't!

  • teejay

    Man, what a story, msil!

    Since you've grown up, have you made sense of what happened?

  • Andee


    My heart is pounding after reading your story. How terrified you must have been.

    People, that have not been through or have seen such an event, DO find it unbelievable. I don't, however. At 10 years old, hidden, standing only a few yard away, I witnessed my father being beaten with a lead pipe.

    I haven't thought about the happenings of that day in many years.

    When I line up all of the tramatic events of my childhood and adolesence, I am amazed I'm not locked away in a padded cell never to be heard from again.

    I wonder what difference, emotionally, there is between those that inspite of the horrible circumstances they have lived through are still able to piece together a meaningful life. And those other struggling individuals that just never seem to be able to overcome them and flounder in the abyss of painful memories.

    Perhaps, the difference is being able to find joy in seemingly mundane, "joyless" events. Like traffic.


  • Xena

    Oh I am so sorry...children..hell anyone should not have to go through anything like that! How can people say there is a loving God when stuff like this goes on? Who would allow this type of thing if they could stop it?

    My heart goes out to you both Msil and Andee!

  • siegswife

    I wish I could...

    If I could erase the pain,
    restore your innocence again,
    paint beautiful colors in its place,
    so you would never find a trace,
    of shadow lurkers, a childs cry,
    or the need to ask the question 'why?'

    If I could, I'd tear away,
    the badness of each and every day,
    filled with darkness, without light,
    masquerading as the night,
    patch it with the shining sun,
    laughter and love, no need to run

    All I can do is let you know,
    that you can let the sadness go,
    with each dark memory torn apart,
    leaving room to heal your heart,
    and know that you've been, all along,
    someone who is very strong.

  • outnfree

    Wow! and double WOW!
    Msil, Andee, and siegswife -- you blow me away.

    What talent, courage and pathos there is on this board!


    Par dessus toutes choses, soyez bons. La bonte est ce qui ressemble le plus a Dieu et ce qui desarme le plus les hommes -- Lacordaire

  • Lesley


    When I line up all of the tramatic events of my childhood and adolesence, I am amazed I'm not locked away in a padded cell never to be heard from again.

    That's exactly what I feel!

    I had a nervous breakdown 6 years ago due to what I suffered when I was young. It took 9 months of psychotherapy to get me started on the road to recovery.


  • Tatiana

    msil, my heart breaks reading your experience. I want to hold that child and get rid of all the evil! If only...if only....

    The witnesses talk about a "great tribulation". People like us have already been through ours! Andee, Leslie, Cassiline, so many, many others. To come through all this with love still intact, is the mark of a true warrior...


    "Love never dies." Voivodul Vlad Draculea (from Bram Stoker's Dracula-1992)

  • Andee

    Thank you all for your kind words regarding my story. I don't want to hyjack this thread from Msil, however, I just had to post that.


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