Guarding stage - ready to die...

by Confucious 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • Confucious

    Hey friends...

    Just a lazy Sunday morning here and I feel like posting.

    No point... just a memory.

    I remember one year I was asked to guard the stage during a District Convention.

    So basically was 8 guards on the floor. Four around the inner stage. Four around the outer corners.

    By the time one of the GB members was giving the final talk... I was guarding the inner stage.

    I remember how proud I was. I thought, what an honor is would be to give my life protecting one of the GB members.

    Ah... memories, LOL.

  • Bumble Bee
    Bumble Bee

    Kinda makes you wonder why those old GB guys needed so much security? Maybe because they've screwed with so many peoples lives and they know it and are scared???

    Just a thought.


  • carla

    Why would they need guards at a convention? I mean isn't the place filled with jw's? the happiest most loving, peace loving people on earth? why the need for guards then?

  • journey-on

    The GB are probably well aware of the statistics on the poor mental health of JWs. It probably scares them to death!

  • Confucious

    I was always told that they needed protection from the apostates, lol.

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    I suppose all the "powerful angels" were busy protecting pioneer sisters going door-to-door in the projects, right? They were unavailable for GB protection detail... so the GB had to rely on NON-imaginary, corporeal "men of power" to provide their security. So much for "trusting in Jehovah."

    As a guard, what instructions were you given? What requirements did you have to meet? What were you supposed to do if someone rushed your "position"?

  • Confucious

    There were strict instructions that were were to surround anyone who tried to walk on stage.

    Back then I was a very strong bodybuilder and champion weightlifter. So I guess the qualifications is that you had to be a meat head. I was a pioneer too so I guess you had to be a spiritual meat head.

    I laugh because you sit there on stage and you know you just waiting for someone come on stage - because apostates are crazy like that.

    I'll be honest. I was authentically ready to take a bullet for a GB member or really anybody I was protecting. I mean... a lot of people are ready to die for their beliefs.

  • jaguarbass

    If Jehobers real why didnt he guard the stage? Give the faithful a little demonstration.

  • DJK

    In the future you may see bullet proof glass shields on stage. There are a lot of nitwits out there.

  • hillbilly

    i was on the accounting dept detail for several years... a colored dot on the name badge is about the only ID that was involved.

    the accouting office is typically in a basement or locker room or such a place in the building with limited acess. We would just fill the hall with several big guys on chairs and make the hallway a gauntlet for any intruder to run.

    contribution boxes are staked out and escorted by a couple of guys all the time too.


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