Should I DA myself?

by OMG! Now What? 36 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Guest39

    MIA - Welcome to the forum.

    I agree with those who say not to bother with a letter. Why should you spend the time on a meaningless piece of paper? Like you, I was the only one in my family that became a Witness. I merely stopped going. There was a half-hearted attempt to 'match' me with a pioneer sister that would be a help to me to get back to meetings (part of a get-them-back-in program). I haven't heard from her for a couple of months. There were a couple of door calls by those who had no idea who I was. I simply gave the not interested remark. Maybe I'll have the courage to anti-witness at some later date, but that doesn't sound like the person I am.

    Bottom line - I'm not going to meetings and I'm not being bothered. I'd only send a letter if it was therapeutic for me, but not for any other reason.

  • flipper

    OMG- Welcome to the board my friend ! You are among friends here, many who have been through similar things like you. I am sorry you were mistreated by this " mind control cult ". It is exactly what they are. Since you have been out a year and a half I'd like to make a recommendation on a book to read. It will help you with your healing and understanding of how Jehovah's Witnesses used" cult mind control", to deceive you. The book is, " Combatting Cult Mind Control", by Steve Hassan. In it he mentions that some mind control cults do just what was done to you after getting baptized. They show all sorts of interest in you before- then once you are sucked into it, they ignore you. It is part of the plan of cults. This book will help you understand how they were able to deceive you , like many of the rest of us were.

    Also, in regards to the perverted " brother" who the elders chose to ignore and allow free roam in the congregation- it is not surprising as the Watchtower society has been lax for many years on even bringing child molesters to justice, and in fact recently had to settle a multi-million $$ lawsuit out of court with witness child abuse victims because the Watchtower society had been negligent and allowed these perverts free roaming ability from congregation to congregation ! So, OMG count your lucky stars you did not get involved with this pervert who had the child porn- he may have been sizing up your children for his next fix , twisted a-hole !

    Please be assured of our love and concern for you , as you will find lots of caring people here trying to heal just like yourself. If there is anything at all my wife and I can help you with, please let us know. I too was in the organization for 44 years, got out 4 years ago at 48 years old . The witness cult doesn't control me anymore. I have freedom- which is priceless as I'm sure you are finding ! My wife and I welcome you, peace to you, Mr. & Mrs. Flipper

  • owenfieldreams


    Unless you feel like you need to, I wouldn't bother writing a DA letter. They've long since put your publisher card in the inactive file and hence they may try to pay you a visit every six months or a year, but they will be doing that more out of duty than a real sincere interest in helping reactivate you. In other words, you've probably already been 'written off' and you're not going to be the focus of their attention, so there's no need to for you to take any initiative with them by sending them a letter. Of course, that's just an opinion of a fellow fader...

  • Pioneer Spit...oh, i mean Spirit
    Pioneer Spit...oh, i mean Spirit

    Hi. Glad you're here. I have, and I know others here have, been through what you describe. Your experience is much like how my husband and I faded: You're right, you only matter if you have a husband, and if your husband wants to be in the boy's club-'reaching out to be used'- and my husband definitely didn't want to be used; glad to help others, sure, but, you get the picture.

    Then when we hadn't gone for 9 MONTHS, 1 elder popped in to ask my husband a) what sins have you committed and b) what have we done to hurt your feelings, because those are the only reasons that people quit attending. That was about 2.5 years ago, we sent our DA letter just a few months ago, it was cleansing and liberating and it told THEM that we aren't weak or stupid, that we were angry and disgusted about how they behave and about how they worship humans, and that we would never participate again.

    This site ended my confusion, saved me. Stick around!!

  • Pioneer Spit...oh, i mean Spirit
    Pioneer Spit...oh, i mean Spirit

    P.S. you ARE normal. Out of the 'older men of the congregation' you alone, a 'lowly feeble woman' (girls rule!) turned that pedophile SOB in to authorities!

  • DJK
    Oh, and I've gotten past the sister/brother calling. If I was truly their sister, they would have helped me. My own brothers and sister helped me and I refuse to call a JW my brother or sister any more. They don't deserve it.


    Welcome to the forum.


  • mouthy

    Welcome to the JWD Forum! ((((MIA))

    Isnt it great that you have found out that they are NOT true prophets.? I would you suggest you dont go to any more mettings.!! One of my daughters hasnt gone to a meeting in years she is NOT D/F if she went to a meeting she would be because they know she is a SUNDAY school teacher in the Prespt: Church
    But that is not to say I am right ,differant Cong differant Rules. Jean Eason was a JW for many years her folks were Bible Students as they used to call themselves. She didnt go to the meeting for a couple of years they heard she went to Church with her hubby & was D/F!!!! Her book "A Jehovahs Witness Finds The Truth" is all about it. I know her personally ...She goes to Pennsylvania "Witnesses For Jesus" she is just fabulous.
    I hope you & the kids keep on keeping on!!! finding the truth about the LIE!!!


  • new boy
    new boy

    Moma Mia

    There is still plenty of life ahead....enjoy.

    I was in it for over 50 years....where there is life there is hope.


    Mia..Clint Eastwood...OUTLAW

  • OnTheWayOut
    None of my family is a JW. I had given up all my worldly friends when I became a JW. It made me sad, but I was so brainwashed that it didn't hurt as much as it hurts now.

    Put these people behind you totally and find new friends by being active in hobbies, community,
    whatever you enjoy.

    As for the DA, if you feel burdened by writing it, don't bother. If you feel it would free your soul a bit
    to tell them off, then write it. But either way, don't let them control/dictate any portion of your life.

    If it were me, I would want to tell them off in a letter. No matter how little they appreciate it, it would
    be good to get it out.

    I also suggest a good education for you- to know that you made the right decision to get out of the
    Witnesses. Here's my list of educating books for starters:
    CAPTIVES OF A CONCEPT by Don Cameron

    There are plenty of others, but those would keep you busy.
    You can find many at Amazon, or Also, allows a
    direct download of the CAPTIVES book.

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