Why do many people get religion, at the end or their lives?

by PEC 18 Replies latest jw friends

  • PEC

    The other day, I was talking to my brother and he tells me that my biological father, has started going back to the meetings and is now shunning him. This man, now 77, has lived a life outside (sex, drugs and rock and roll) of the borg for at least 47 years. He lives about a 6 hour drive from me. I am tempted to drive there and give him a piece of my mind. If you would like to know more about this man, read my bio. I know he is not worth my time; but, my brother deserves better. What do you think?


  • LtCmd.Lore

    He's old, his mind weaker than it has ever been. Plus maybe all the drugs are catching up to him. Also he's gonna die soon, so he's probably afraid of death, and wants this 'afterlife' thing.

    So combine his weakened mental state.

    His years of drug use.

    And his fear of death.

    No wonder he's doing crazy things.

    However it's still kind of depressing that he's willing to sacrifice his entire relationship with his children, and thus destroying EVERYTHING he accomplished in this life, for any last-ditch grasp at a new one.

    Heck, even if he got an afterlife, he'd probably screw that up too.

    Lore - What.Would.Satan.Do?

  • flipper

    PEC- I think your father is " cult mind controlled" by the witnesses. He buys into the crazy thinking of the paradise promise . Now , this is probably not yet a deathbed confession- however your dad is probably feeling guilty about his past. Trying to make up for it in a few short years. He needs to reevaluate his dissing of your brother- before it's too late. I would encourage him to- don't play the shunning game. Just you and your brother tell him he is family , he is loved , and you and your brother won't let a cult control whether you see your dad or not. Say it respectfully, but firm of conviction. Might work

  • mentalclearness

    my dad did similar..after being df'ed for like 25 years he started coming back and was reistated. I think that the fear of death thing is probably a huge factor. And also the community. I mean once you retire you're pretty much left without purpose so maybe that was a way for him to have some sort of network. He's such a weird srewy person he probably wouldn't fare to well outside the organization, but in he's just another one of the screwed up people in there.

  • Must obey!
    Must obey!

    Guess its kind of like life insurance policy at that age. If its all true he wins; but if it's not true, what has he lost except a bit of time in his few remaining years. At least he gets some compan, and he gets to sleep at the meetings and skip field service and no one would mind.

    Don't be too harsh on your old father, even though he is being harsh to your brother.

  • worldtraveller

    It seems that no matter what cult you belong to, and how much they try to convince you that there is something there after life, there is always lingering doubt.

    These so called Christians and others are supposed to be convinced of this, but most can't get around the word "fear". I discussed the word fear with my JW associate, and stated emphatically that living in fear is just plain wrong. He said it's not the dictionary version of fear he is talking about. He could not give me an explanation about what "fear" means. Maybe later on this week he might have an answer, but for now, I have to stick with the dictionary version.

    So herein is the problem with the whole bs story. You are told to be afraid-God is vengeful, spiteful and so on. It is scored into your psyche. Problem is that is an awful thing to believe and the mind just can't get over it because once again fear is the motivating factor, But you cannot be 100% certain because we are after all thinking human beings. Why would God be so full of negative emotions?

    So as long as people believe there is negative feelings about God, there will always be doubt. If anyone here can believe that the creator is not what some say it is, then perhaps you can cross this negative threshold and start to feel better about your current existence. If you can't , you will always be afraid of the unknown.

    My JW associate asked me last month about this question. I told him that if you believe that God is a spiritually perfect being, then what reason do or should you live in fear? I said I am fully aware of my limited lifespan, and believe that if there is an afterlife, that I (and everyone else) would be taken care of. Because I for one do not live in fear. Only I control me. He on the other hand lives in endless fear. That's the control.

    Now if there is absolutely nothing after life, then just what the hell can you do about it anyway? Hope I made sense here-if not-too freaking bad. Bill.

  • journey-on

    It's called, CYA (you know...just in case there's really something to "the afterlife")

  • mouthy

    Re: Why do many people get religion, at the end or their lives?

    Well being 80 I think I can answer this one. When we get very old we find it hard to manage everyday life. I dont have a religion I do have a relationship, But I do depend on my "friend" ( Jesus)in everything I do....
    Maybe your Dad is afraid of HIS GOD holding in to account all his past "sins" & feels if he works for that GOD he will be forgiven...
    In my case I feel my sins are tossed into the lake & GOD ( mine) posted a sign no fishing!!!!!
    I just have to learn to forgive myself.... Give the old man a break, He ( I BELIEVE) will have to stand before GREATER JUDGE & if he was as bad as you remember I wouldnt want to be in HIS shoes. Vengence is GODS!!!. XXX

  • worldtraveller

    Hello Mouthy. Just to let you know that 80 is the new 50! You are only 1/2 way there. Plus....

    I was pointed to this scripture recently. Ephesians, chapter 2, verse 8 and 9. It's starting to make sense to me. If you can believe, you should believe that Jesus is the reason for the season. Take care. Bill.

  • free2beme

    1. They see the end of this life and want something to comfort them, that this will not be the complete end.

    2. Pressure from family to find religion and no desire or strength to fight it.

    3. Because it is the acceptable thing to do.

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