What do JW's do to help the poor & needy at this time of year, or ever?

by Must obey! 23 Replies latest jw friends

  • moshe

    I think JW's are afraid that they could end up poor and needy AND they could, as most have not saved or planned for a retirement.

  • OMG! Now What?
    OMG! Now What?

    I was in this very situation myself. I'm a single mother of two and have been struggling financially for the past five years. Two of my neighbors had been giving me food since they knew I needed it. The one neighbor had brought me food monthly for several months a couple of years ago until he got sick. When I had asked my friends at the KH why no one there was helping me, they told me that since I wasn't attending meetings that I wasn't being blessed by Jehovah! I couldn't understand how one atheist and one Catholic was helping me without my asking, but no one from the KH even called me on the phone to see how my children and I were, let alone to find out if we needed anything.

    Then, winter came and I couldn't afford oil to heat my house. Another "worldly" friend of mine had gone out of his way and bought me oil twice so my family could be warm. Again, the JWs said it was because I wasn't attending meetings.

    The truth is, they only want to count their time in service so they can "gather their gifts in heaven" instead of helping needy people with material things needed in the reality of life. They always just tell you to pray about it. I don't know if it is laziness, selfish greed or ignorance. But, I do know that they are not realists understanding that they also live in this world and should lend a helping hand to those in need. The only help they offer is through their giving magazines and tracts to people to "offer hope to live in the new system of things." They just have no idea that they should be offering help so people can survive in THIS system of things. The golden rule just doesn't exist for them.

    However, I do know one particular pioneer who works part time, has a brand new car, a nice home, nice clothes and has good food on her table. Actually, the good food on the table is actually someone else's table since she freeloads meals every day. The new car she drives was paid for by the worldly husband of a JW. All her clothes are given to her by the worldly people she pet sits for. Is that so not cool? What other way to encourage someone to be lazy by not getting a real job and stepping up to the plate to pay for her own things and allow her to continue preaching instead of being a real person and helping others!


  • potleg

    Makes me think of the parable of the good samaratan...would the borg stop or walk on by? We all know the answer. So much for being Christ-like.

  • Bonnie_Clyde
    It's their boasting that they care about the poor, their talking about it, and then not doing anything about it, that bugs me.

    This is the primary reason I gave up on the JW organization. I saw this with my mother when she got sick and the almost total lack of interest from the congregation. I talked to people in other congregations and found out they had similar situations.

    I also noticed that the WT would give an experience of someone who showed unselfish loving interest in someone and would cite the experience as an example of how our organization operates. I realized this was by far the exception--not the rule--and it was not because of the organization but despite the organization. It burned me that the organization took credit anytime there was a positive experience. Once in a great while there would be an article in the WT about how we should help the needy and sick, but the following service meeting was all about the preaching work.

    About the same time I saw an article in our local newspaper about a church in the area who organized a Saturday morning to have their parishoners go to the home of one of their elderly members. A large group raked the lawn, washed windows, and did anything else that was needed to help this person. I thought--well JW's couldn't do that on a Saturday morning (got to place magazines), and by afternoon they would be too tired or be busy with other concerns.


  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    A co-worker of mine grew up with a JW. Although witnessed to all her life she never thought twice about it. One of her main qualms was that she regarded JW's as defeatists. "Never mind helping others in the community. It's all going away so why even try to help others in need around you". As if that ecused them from any personal responsibility.

    It's during this time of year that JW's look more like a cult than ever. Walking by the homeless and poor or handing them a tract. yummy

  • horrible life
    horrible life

    COME ON PEOPLE..... Is there nothing that you can think of?? Surely they do something!


    Then they need their chairety/church status revolked.

  • logic

    Jws basically ignore the scriptures; Matt. 25: 34-40 as opposed to Matt. 25:41-46. Preaching from door to door is not even mentioned . Jws say one thing and practice another.

  • worldtraveller

    In addition to the above mentioned scripture, please take a moment to read part of a letter of Paul to the Ephesians. Chapter 2; 8 and 9.

    For by the grace you have been saved through faith; and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God.(9)not as a result of works, so that no one may boast.

    If this does not tell you that the Witnesses are on the wrong path, nothing else will. Bill.

  • MissingLink

    The good news of the kingdom is the greatest gift of all. everything else is worthless.

  • MissingLink

    The good news of the kingdom is the greatest gift of all. everything else is worthless.

    The magazines are a bit crinkly but CAN serve as toilet paper in a pinch. That's something.

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