"Wake Up" tract from 1975

by cabasilas 19 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • cabasilas

    I'm doing "winter cleaning" today and came across an old tract that was distributed at a Phoenix assembly back in 1975. I was an ardent JW (then at Watchtower Farms) and was attending this assembly. I remember leaving out the North side of the convention complex and seeing the people outside with their tracts. This was one called "Wake Up!" Ironically, it discusses the 1975 prediction. At that time, there was no denial of what had been predicted as happened later. All of us then knew what had been predicted and here this group was reminding us of our predictions. I know of one elder who read this tract and checked the references in the first article "They Shall Know a Prophet Was Among Them." He had about half of the books referenced in his own library. He reasoned that if the half he had confirmed the quotes, that the rest were probably accurate also. He ended up leaving shortly afterwards and led a group of about 20 out of the Organization. I thought it was of historical interest and made a PDF of this tract--it can be downloaded from this filesharing site:


    The same group distributed a companion tract later entitled: "Watch Out!" I believe Atlantis shared this here a few months ago, but I'll include this since it goes with this other tract. It can be downloaded here:


    For those interested, documentation of the 1975 predictions can be found in the Oct 8 1968 Awake!, starting on page 13. The entire magazine can be downloaded here.


    I vividly remember distributing that Awake! issue. We were so excited....Such memories!

  • Abandoned

    Interesting read. I love how it was formatted to look like an awake magazine of the time period....


    Cool.........Thanks!..........Clint Eastwood...OUTLAW

  • M.J.

    Thank you!!!

    I especially value the Awake PDF. That was great. No wonder the WT CD Awakes only go back to 1970.

  • cabasilas

    M.J., Outlaw and Abandoned: You're welcome!!

    I got to know the author of those tracts a few years later as I was exiting the JWs. He was the one who first pioneered the idea of recorded phone messages for JWs. They held up signs outside a Phoenix assembly when they opened up the phone line with the phone number and the first day they recorded over 700 phone calls. This, of course, was pre-Internet...about 1976. He also did the research behind the tract "Hiding the Divine Name" that I posted a few months back.


    Thank you.

  • AnnOMaly

    Thanks! That's one for the archives. Amazing how this group was able to mock up the WTS printing/sketch styles.

  • moshe

    Thanks for these downloads- sure brings back some memories- I got the original Truth book back in 1969.

  • cabasilas

    There was one more tract that group did back in 1976, which they entitled "Await!" I'm not sure I still have a copy...if I turn it up, I'll post it.

  • Fatfreek

    AlanF documents a fairly good chronological trail of WT quotes about 1975 that begin with 1966.

    Len Miller

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