Watching my 4 year old JW nephew today.....

by whyamihere 18 Replies latest jw friends

  • whyamihere

    I have come to realize and thank whomever(maybe for not raising my children into such a cult.

    I'm sorry, he is a horrible, rotten brat from the dark pits of HELL! Annoyingly screams all the time, his usual punishment is spanking(or beat as my sister calls it) - I avoid this because, 1) It's not my child. 2) Spanking isn't the answer. 3) I would be running around and screaming every chance I got. Sitting in a Kingdom Hall for endless hours trying to be quiet would make any child overly active.

    My children may have their "moments" but nothing like this. Sadly, this bad behavior is somewhat rubbing off onto my son, but this afternoon I've put a stop to that. Since I don't spank him, and taking a timeout has done nothing, I found hard labor works wonderfully. If he acts up, Auntie Brookie has a mop and a broom for him and more!!!!

    Anyway, this morning after his "scream" attack - I sat down with him and reasoned as to why we shouldn't scream, then I gave him examples when to scream. Scared or alerting someone for help, are "OK" times. Then he says, " When Satan comes, then I will scream for help." Nauseously I shuddered, thinking back to my childhood, being frightened by Armageddon, having an atrocious death awaiting for me. I looked at him and smiled " Honey, Satan isn't coming and he never will" Peaceful moment came over him, he smiled while looking at my lights in my sitting room, " You know Christmas is Pagan and Bad" he stated. This struck a nerve, since I have been watching him all weekend. I bluntly said, "You're Mother is Pagan" I just might get a call later on.

    I feel sorry for him, he'll never have a normal childhood, but I am thankful that he'll always have me. If he ever leaves the cult, or gets kicked out for not living up to God's standards, he'll have me - anytime. In someway he is lucky to know that.

    Poor JW kids. Sad isn't it?

  • searcher
    but I am thankful that he'll always have me. If he ever leaves the cult, or gets kicked out for not living up to God's standards, he'll have me - anytime.

    True love.

  • hillbilly

    Children are a treasure...they should be buried.

    WC Feilds (i think)


  • mentalclearness

    Yeah I feel the same way with my nephew. But he's 12 . I just make it super nice when he comes to my house and I make sure he knows I'll always be there for him no matter what....

  • babygirl75
    I bluntly said, "You're Mother is Pagan" I just might get a call later on.

    That's a great line!!! I've had to use that reasoning with my son about his (sperm donor) dad...

  • SixofNine

    Tell him Jehovah will send bears to tear him apart if he misbehaves again.

  • Odrade

    If his parents are anything like mine were, he'll be quite familiar with the she-bear story by now... ugh.

  • whyamihere
    Children are a treasure...they should be buried.

    This will be scripted upon my children's playroom, when it is painted. LOL!

    Funnily enough, his mother calls me to ask how he is doing, she probably fears that demons are flying around and I am conducting a seance in my dining room. Anyway, she tells me her "new" husband doesn't like the fact my nephew (hence the word MY) is playing tea party with my daughter. Confused, I ask why? "We don't want him to turn gay." Silent moment..... "Are you Christan?" I asked. "Yes", sarcastically she exclaims. "Do you obey God's commandments?" "Duh" she replies.(intelligent comeback, right?) "Are we supposed to love our neighbor, as ourselves?" Then she says.."Well......" I then interrupted and said, "Well, you're neighbor is Gay."(and he is) So I hung up, a pet peeve of mine is stupidity.

    Things like this make me wonder. If they are true "Christians" and put themselves on such a high pedestal as a loving group, why would they speak of hate? I don't get it.

    Note to everyone. I love Gay men, more than the straight ones.

    Back to hell.

  • Odrade

    If he has a tea party he might turn gay??? OMG. I played with tractors when I was little... *gulp*

  • carla

    4 years old and he is worried about satan coming for him??!!!! at 4??! Disgraceful! jw's shouldn't be allowed to have kids. The mental abuse is torture.

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