The end is so close...

by sspo 32 Replies latest jw friends

  • rache31

    Funny, when I read that email I thought of myself. Except it was me holding on to the JW teachings and being afraid to be myself. Now I have let go and realized that it wasn't a hard,long fall like some would have me believe! I'm doing just fine. I always heard horror stories of people who left the org. "Just keep hanging in there," some would tell me.

  • worldtraveller

    Paradise my ass!!! I am still here! Maybe tomorrow?

  • hillbilly

    My end is close too.

    I have short arms and can still reach my "end".

    Ya gotta love those crazy guys up in Brooklyn.


  • jambon1


  • 5go

    Yean not only is the end suppossed to be here. God was supposed to help me with any hardship well I am waiting.

  • VoidEater

    I recently picked up on a news story about a woman I worked with for 11 years. This is that story put into the form of those cutesy email messages:

    A woman is on her way to work, it's early morning, she drives through the mountain pass as she does every week day and comes around a bend. There's a semi in her lane, coming straight towards her! She grabs on to her steering wheel in a death grip and holds on for dear
    life. She hangs on for perhaps 3 seconds, each moment seeming like eternity, and she grabs on tighter,
    her life hangs in the balance.
    Her muscles ache and finally she feels the car disintegrate around her, the semi plowing into her
    head-on, her grip finally loosening in an instant as her car and her body are
    thrown in pieces along a quarter mile of roadway. Then the sun rises.
    - SHE WAS OBLITERATED IN AN INSTANT WITHOUT A CHANCE TO DO ANYTHING BUT REALIZE HER PENDING DEMISE.Isn't it wonderful. The point being - we are right on the brink of
    Armageddon and just when we feel we cannot hold on another minute in
    this terrible world - we could be utterly destroyed before making contact with a
    Jehovah's Witness, therefore allowing God to judge us on our heart condition instead of our ability to stay in a crazy organization with changing demands and rules.

  • Liberty

    If there was a God why would He promote or endorse those who promote false dates over and over again? What purpose is served by the advertizement of nonevents which would humiliate normal humans let alone God on a regular basis? This alone proves that the Watch Tower Society has never recieved any "spirit guidence" in it's constant supply of false predictions. It is mind boggeling just how big of a failure they have been at predicting anything for well over 100 years. A 100% failure rate for well over a century and yet we believed and new victims are always ready to believe it any way.

  • Must obey!
    Must obey!

    JW's have to resort to ridiculous, childish stories and analogies like this for cheesy motivation to keep themselves convinced of their leaders own brainwashing propaganda bullshit. I guess it goes to show that more and more JW's in the Western world are feeling very discouraged at how long 'this old system' is taking to end and are at the point of wanting to just give it all up.

  • chickpea

    mine wasnt an email... rather a handwritten letter from a kindly older one in the cong who wishes there was SOMETHING she could do to help.....the END IS NEARER EVERY DAY and the world situation can change in a moment.....

    hello!! it changes regularly, in less than a moment!!!

    i do feel for her situation ..... widowed recently after 65 yrs.... all her association is in the borg..... it would be cruel to engage in any form of revelation at this point.... i will simply write back and tell her it is good to know she still thinks kindly of me and mine.....

    the really cynical side of me figures she can use the letter writing as time for her field circus report

    this is truly a beast that will not die!!!


    Jer 23: 21 “I did not send the prophets, . . . I did not speak to them, yet they themselves prophesied."

    Some things never change???


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